Chapter 1 - The white haired boy

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Robbe Ijzermans sighed a sigh of relief when he noticed it was the first of September. It was his first day of fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and he couldn't be any happier. It had been a rough few months back at home with his mother. She hadn't been doing so good since his father left her and Robbe had to take care of her every moment of every day. He missed his friends Jens Stoffels, Moyo Makadi, and Aaron Jacobs dearly, and couldn't wait to see them again.

Robbe grabbed his textbooks, that lay scattered on his table and floor, and shoved it into his trunk. His clothes and Hufflepuff uniform came in messily next; he was in a hurry and had no time to fold clothes. He slammed it closed and pulled the heavy trunk down the stairs. Robbe wished they were allowed to use magic outside of school, because the spell, Wingardium Leviosa, would have helped a lot right now. He tapped his mother, who was sleeping on the couch, to wake her. Her eyes flew open in shock.

'Is it already ten?' she asked groggily.

He nodded his head yes and she flew up and got dressed. She ran a brush through her hair to make herself look more presentable, but by the bags under her eyes you could tell that she was exhausted.

'Okay, let's go. We don't want you to be late on your first day of school,' she said.

Luckily for Robbe they lived in London and the drive wouldn't be long. He shoved his trunk into the backseat of his mother's small car. He could barely sit still, because he would be seeing all his friends again. He missed Jens the most; they wrote letters to each other during the holiday and Jens visited once or twice, which was difficult since Jens lived in Wales. Robbe saw King's Cross coming into view and smiled widely, but he could see his mother was already tearing up. He knew she needed him, but he was only fifteen years old. There wasn't much he could do for her and she needed a week at St. Mungo's, so it was a good thing that he would be leaving for Hogwarts. They walked silently to platform nine and three-quarters and looked to their left and right before they ran through the wall at full speed.

'I don't know what I'm going to do without you,' she sobbed and sniffled.

'Mum, promise me you will go get help. I'll see you soon again, don't worry,' 

His mother wiped a tear away and kissed him on the forehead. He hugged her tightly and waved goodbye while he made his way to the beautiful crimson train. Robbe climbed on the train and looked in each compartment, searching for his friends, but only saw excited and confused first years. Robbe spotted a boy with platinum blonde hair, he obviously bleached it, that he has never seen before. This boy was not first year either, he looked much older. He must be at least sixteen years old. Robbe finally spotted Jens's dark hair and made his way through the crowd to get to the compartment.

'Hey, Robbe!' Jens exclaimed.

'Hey, dude,' the other two greeted Robbe.

Robbe smiled and shook each boy's hand. Owlfie, Jens's Northern Pygmy-Owl, chirped happily when she saw Robbe. He stroked her head and wished he had an owl of his own, but unfortunately, they couldn't afford one. Robbe placed his trunk in the compartment's storage and took a seat next to Jens, who was stuffing his face with pumpkin pasties. The train began to hiss and started moving. They were on their way to Hogwarts.

'You missed the trolley, but I bet she will make another round soon,' Jens spat crumbs as he talked with his mouth full.

'Have you seen that new guy? The one with the white hair?' Robbe asked.

'Yeah, I heard he moved from France and was attending Beauxbatons," Jens said.

'I heard he was born in Azkaban,' Aaron said.

Robbe Ijzermans and the white haired boy Where stories live. Discover now