Chapter 2 - The Black Lake

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Robbe yawned sleepily and rubbed his eyes. He grabbed a towel and a clean set of robes and made his way to the boy's bathroom. He noticed a familiar head of white hair and frowned, because normally the Hufflepuff boys would use this bathroom and the Gryffindors had their own they could use as well.

'What are you doing here?' Robbe asked Sander.

'I'm obviously here to take a shower,' he answered.

'No, I mean what are you doing here in the Hufflepuff bathroom?'

'Oh, so you have specific bathrooms as well? Wow, I didn't know you guys liked to be separated so much,'

'Anyone is allowed to use this bathroom, it's just that you had to walk at least 20 minutes to get here. There is one closer to the Gryffindor tower,'

'I know, but it smelt funny, so I walked all over searching for a better smelling one. This one smells the best. If you could excuse me, I'm going to take a shower now,' Sander said a little annoyed.

'Sorry,' Robbe mumbled.

Robbe hopped in a shower, finished up, and avoided Sander's gaze as he brushed his teeth. He quickly put his pyjamas away and ran downstairs for breakfast. Jens was already stuffing his face with croissants at the table and Robbe joined him.

'I saw Sander on our side of the castle this morning. What was he doing there?' Jens asked.

'He walked all the way from the Gryffindor tower to take a shower,' Robbe replied.

Jens started choking on his food with laughter and Robbe smiled. He looked up and saw that Sander was staring at him again, to which he gave a small smile. Sander turned his face to Moyo, who was talking Sander's ear off, and Robbe could see that Sander would rather be somewhere else.

An owl dropped a letter into Robbe's lap, and it was from his mother. She admitted herself into St. Mungo's, which left Robbe feeling happy and sad at the same time. Happy that she was getting the help she needed, but sad that she needed it in the first place. He cleared his mind and tried to forget about her, because he did not want to start the day like this.

Professor Sprout started handing out everyone's timetables and Robbe looked at his. He had Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, and Charms before lunch, then had double Transfiguration, and finished his day with Divination. He didn't know how he was going to survive Professor Binns's History of Magic class, because that ghost was such a bore. Robbe could barely keep his eyes open in one of Professor Binns's classes, and Jens would openly sleep in that class.

'How does your timetable look?' Sander asked behind Robbe.

Robbe flew up from fright, as he did not see Sander standing behind him.

'Um, it's ok. Mondays are always the worst, but I will manage. And yours?'

'I'm excited for Defence Against the Dark Arts, I heard it is great fun,' Sander said excitedly.

'Yeah, it is. Professor Dawlish is fantastic and makes every lesson a game,' Jens said just as excited.

'Well I will see you guys around, I better head to class,' Sander waved goodbye.

Robbe stared after him and could not stop staring, he liked the way Sander walked.

'Hey, Robbe! Do you have a crush on him, or what? You keep staring at him like a lovesick puppy,' Jens said.

Robbe blushed crimson and shoved Jens.

'No, why would I have a crush on him? I'm not gay or anything,' Robbe lied.

Robbe Ijzermans and the white haired boy Where stories live. Discover now