the room

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seven boys -all of different families, backgrounds and stories- were sat around a table in a dimly lit room. the table was dressed in thick burgundy cloth that draped to the floor and gathered by the boys' feet.

secrecy lingered in the room- the walls a soft amber from the only light source, a timid cluster of candles in the centre of the table. one of the boys, black locks in front of his eyes, began to breathe rather heavily at a quickening pace as the stillness in the room became hard to bear.

suddenly, a voice pierced through the thick blanket of silence in the room:

"on the table, there is a pill.

you all have thirty minutes to decide who will take it. if after this thirty minutes no one has taken the pill, you will all die.

survivors of the game will win their share of fifty million won.

good luck."

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