those elected are those affected

12 1 0

"..jeongguk?!" taehyung choked,

"tae, don't-"

"anyway," namjoon cut in, trying to brush away the cloud of tension forming itself yet again in the room. "why don't we try a vote?"

the other boys wore slightly panicked expressions, so namjoon fumbled to elaborate on his suggestion to ease their anxieties.

"it doesn't have to be final, it just... well, it might be a good idea to see where we're all at, you know?"

"i wouldn't want it to be final unless we all reached an agreement." seokjin added, "i mean, of course not all seven of us will agree, but six of us should." he said, awarding nods and hums of approval from the other boys.

"yeah, definitely," namjoon half-smiled, nervously. "so i... i suppose i'll just say each person's name, and if you think they should take the pill, raise your hand."

"does it have to be a public vote? like can we write names in a hat?" jimin breathed worriedly. 

"it's just the first one," yoongi replied. "we don't exactly have all the time in the world anyways." 

"okay," namjoon began after a few moments' silence. "i'll start with me." 

the boys were silent, hands resting on their laps, unmoved. 




the boys were silent, apart from the small rustle of hoseok's hand as he raised it limply into the air. 

"hmm," yoongi chuckled, seemingly unbothered. 

"uhh, hoseok?" 

the other five boys raised their hands, all apart from namjoon. they all looked to the floor, guilty.

"woah," hoseok choked out, not expecting this result. 

"um next is... uh, jimin?"

the boys stayed still, unmoved yet again. 




after saying jeongguk's name, namjoon raised his own hand shly, clearly feeling ashamed. 

jeongguk's eyes bulged slightly, but he didn't say anything in reply. 

silence filled the room like a heavyweight. nothing but the sound of the boys' breaths could be heard, and their ears began to ring. 

"well," hoseok chuckled. "that was close for me." 

the other boys didn't quite know what to say, so kept silent. 

"why don't we take a little break?" jimin asked, gesturing to the food and drinks on the table. 

"sounds like a good plan." seokjin agreed, reaching for his glass.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2020 ⏰

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