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"so" i mumbled

"so" payton said, we were sat on his bed, me at the bottom him at the top we were both sat legs crossed

"so so" i replied

"i want cuddles" he said, a big smile on his face

"i am so down for" i laughed falling into his arms, he smiled and laid down, i rolled off of him and onto the left side of the bed, i wrapped
my arms and round his waist and laid my head on his chest

"comfy?" he asked

"mhm" i smiled, he let out a laugh and gently started playing with my hair, we sat in silence the only thing i could hear was his heartbeat it was soothing

"i know i say it a lot and don't think you know how i mean it mackenzie,
i love you" he said, his heart beat increasing, rapidly

"what way do you mean it payton" i said looking up at him

"oh uh i um relationship way" he said, whispering the last part, i gave him a wide smile and laughed

"what's funny?" he asked

"i love you" i replied

"you what?" he questioned

"love you" i smiled

"in uh a boyfriend girlfriend way?" he asked

"no" i said, his face dropped and his lips pouted something he always done

"i'm kidding" i laughed

"payton moormeier i love you in a girlfriend boyfriend way" i smiled

"good" he said, i laughed and sat up

"what now" i said, he sat up aswell and gave me a look

"this" he smiled gently grabbing my face and kissing my lips, i smiled into the kiss and pushed him down

"i've been waiting for this" he laughed pulling away

"how long?" i asked sitting on his stomach

"around a year" he smiled

"damn" i mumbled

"how'd you know?" i questioned

"you were joking around with chase hudson and your smile, it was the most beautifulest thing i had ever sore time litreally stopped" he said

"i couldn't stop smiling and then later on i realised i loved you" he smiled

"when'd you know" he asked

"for sure, litreally earlier" i said

"but i think i started catching feelings uhh around last spring, i think i just kinda pushed them away though" i answered

"yeh i know what your like" he laughed, i smiled and laid down on his chest

"you know are parents betted on us?" i said

"what?" he asked

"our moms betted $50 on us, to see when we admitted our feelings for each other" i laughed

"oh god" he said wrapping his arm my lower back

 ✓ | BEST FRIEND | PAYTON MOORMEIERWhere stories live. Discover now