Chapter 3

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Steve pulled his car into the drive way of what I assumed to be his house. He parked the car and opened the door. But before he stepped out of the car he turned to me, "Are you sure that you can't tell me who is was that did the bad things to you?" I simply shook my head as I pressed my left wrist to my thigh so I could hide my tattoo. He nodded sadly and walked around to help me out of the car. (To be honest I had never been in one before, I wasn't sure how the door worked.)

We walked into the house, "Wait here, alright? I'll be right back." I nodded. I began to look around the room, there were pictures in frames along the wall, there was some weird fluffy chairs covered in fabric and a screen in front of the strange chairs. I walked up to the pictures. Most of them were pictures of a small boy who I was assuming to be Steve. But there was one picture, it must have been recent, with Steve and a girl. In the picture they were posing in front of some statue. It took me a second but when I was able to look closer I saw the man that the statue was of, was holding a dagger. I covered my mouth as I gasped and took a step back falling to the ground.


I stood in a long room with two other people. Papa stood next to me with his hand on my shoulder, "This man," he whispered in my ear with a raspy voice, "is Dr. Francis. He has done things that aren't good. He disobeyed me. I've decided that he doesn't need to be a part of our little organization anymore. I want you to take care of him for me, ten. I want you to kill him," he shoved a dagger into my hand, I wrapped my small fingers around the handle.

"Do you think you can do that for me ten? Can you kill him?" he questioned. I held on to the blade firmly with a fire raging behind my eyes, "Yes Papa." I walked down the length of the long room. When I got to Dr. Francis I stared at him. Taking in all the features of my first kill. I couldn't have been more than seven at the time. 

He was a tall man with a golden mustache and a head that was just starting to bald. He was tied to a chair, with ropes around his waist, ankles, and wrists. He was crying. Why was he crying, he knew that what he did would bring him to this. My thoughts got interrupted, "Please," he cried, "pleas don't kill me. I wanted to save you. All of you. Dr. Brenner doesn't know what he's saying," he pleaded for his life. 

But I didn't listen. I turn the dagger over in my hand. Then grip the handle so hard that my knuckles turned white and my fingertips began to bleed. I looked Dr. Francis in the eye, and thrust the dagger forward into his stomach.

*End Of Flashback*

I was crying. Literal tears were running down my cheeks. Why did I suddenly feel bad about all the murder? I had never before. Why now- My thought was interrupted by Steve running down the stairs in an extremely loud fashion. I tried to wipe away my tears before he saw me, but I was to late. He saw me on the floor crying. 

Steve ran up to me, putting the clothes in his hand on the table on the way over to me. He knelt Down to the ground and put his hand on my back, "Hey hey, what's the matter? What happened June?" I didn't answer, just looked up to the picture. Steve followed my gaze. 

"That picture? That's me and Nancy," he helped me up to my feet. I walked over to the picture, (ignoring the statue this time) and pointed to the girl, "Nancy?" He nodded, "We've been going out, for about a year now, she's my girlfriend," he stated while admiring the picture. I was confused though, "Going out? Girlfriend?" 

He looked at me quizzical. "You've never heard that before?" I shook my head. "Huh. Basically it means that we are like friends but more. Like romantic partners," I nodded, "Romantic." Steve looked at me for a minute and then smiled, "I've got you some different clothes, you can change then we'll get some food in you. Does that sound good?" I nodded. 

He led me to another room and leaned against the doorframe as I walked in. "This is our guest room. You can change here, it's also were your gonna sleep tonight all right?" I nodded and he continued, "I'm gonna be right out here. Ima make us something to eat," I just nodded again. He closed the door. 

I pulled off the hospital gown I was wearing and put on the huge sweater and sweat pants that Steve gave to me. I was about to walk out but saw a mirror. It had been years since I was allowed to look at myself. I walked up to it and gazed at my reflection. 

I had brown eyes, the color of them reminded me of the color of the 3 musketeers I had stolen. My hair was light brown and barely grazed my shoulder. I had very tan skin. I looked taller than the last time I had seen myself. I tore my eyes away from the mirror and walked out of the room to Steve who was putting plates on the wooden table in front of him. 

We both sat down. "It's just some eggo's, nothing fancy. But I figured food is food right?" He laughed and I smiled. We began to eat. Okay, I have to admit that I had absolutely no idea what an "eggo" was but, wow. It was delicious. I ate it in like two minutes.

Steve stood back up and took my plate. As he was putting the plates in the sink and rinsing them off, he started to speak, "So, June," I turned my head toward him, "I've decided we should give each other nicknames, because why not." He turned around. I grinned and nodded, which made him chuckle. "Okay so for you, I say Juni," I nodded again.

"Okay, now you do one for me." I thought for a moment. Then smiled, "Esteban or Stevie. I can't decide which I like better," He feigned a thinking face. "I like them both, but just out of curiosity, why Esteban?" He asked. I shrugged, "It's Spanish for Steven. I don't know how I know that." He just gave me the strangest look, then started to laugh. 

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