School - Dip

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artist; Noogats


i rlly couldn't think of a title for this one haha. but i've been meaning to do a Dip one for a while now! it's my favorite ship :)) i'm actually pretty proud of this haha

Regressor ; Damien 

Caregiver ; Pip



Damien let out a relieved sigh as the lunch bell rang, he gathered up his things and got up, leaving the classroom. He was going to head straight to the cafeteria but on his way there someone tripped him with their foot, making him fall face first on the ground. He slowly sat up and felt his face, wincing in pain as he went over a rather big cut (from like a nail sticking out-) he just then realized he was tearing up.

''Aw is little demon boy gonna cwy?'' Cartman snickered sticking his tongue out at the boy.

Damien immediately got up and ran to the bathroom, once he got in a stall and locked it he immediately broke down. Wincing every now and then from the stinging of his tears on the cut. He just sat there crying for a good 5 to 6 minutes, until he heard his phone vibrate in his pocket. Damien sighed wiping the tears away and checking the message. It was from Pip, who he was supposed to sit with for lunch.

-Text Messages-

P; Where are you?!?

D; Bathroom...

P; Which one?

D; .... The one closest to the cafeteria...

-back to normal story-

A few moments later he heard a soft knock on the stall door. He knew it was pip so he sighed getting up and unlocking the door. ''It's u-unlocked...'' he mumbled.

Pip slowly opened the door and came in, relocking it behind him. ''Oh dear! What happened to your face?'' he said putting his hand on Damiens cheek and rubbing his finger over the cut. Damien winced ''Stop dat- t-that'' he said pushing his hand away. ''Sorry...''

There was a silence after that, soon being interrupted by Pip. ''so what happened?'' he asked this time opting to just put his hand on the others shoulder, making him blush a little.

''I uh... i tripped and fell and i g-guess i just cut my face on a n-nail in the floor or something...'' Damien explained, leaving out the detail that he was tripped by someone else. ''You should probably go see the nurse, that cut looks rather bad'' Pip mumbled rubbing Damiens back. ''N-no!'' he stuttered out, ''why?'' Pip questioned. ''S-scawy'' he blushed at his mispronunciation hoping Pip wouldn't mention it, though the boy seemed to catch on. ''That's okay buddy... you should still clean it up tho'' he suggested helping Damien up, who blushed deeply.

Pip unlocked the stall door and walked them over to the sinks, he helped Damien up on the counter. ''I don' have to sit up here y'know...'' he mumbled. ''It makes it easier...'' Pip mumbled. Damien rolled his eyes but stayed there.

Pip wet a piece of paper towel and carefully pressed it against the cut. ''Ow, fuck!'' Damien said pulling away from the other. Pip frowned ''watch your language.'' he said putting his free hand on Damiens knee and trying to wash the cut again. Damien blushed, not being used to being told what to do, though he liked it.

Pip was able to clean the cut to the best of his ability with what was available in the bathroom and with Damiens fussiness and constant movements. He huffed and reached into the small satchel he always wore, pulling out two band-aids. ''You're lucky I carry these around'' he mumbled. Damien responded by humming as he swung his legs. Pip smiled putting his hand on the non-wounded side of Damiens face to make him face him. He carefully placed the band-aids on the cut in a X shape. Pip ruffled Damiens hair making him giggle. ''T-thanks dada...'' Damien mumbled out. Pip blushed at the name, even though it was probably a slip up he was honored to have such a title.

''You're welcome bub.''

After that the bell rang, meaning they had to go to their last class. Damien huffed hoping off the counter. Pip kissed the top of his head and giggled as the other blushed ''be safe buddy.'' he said as he turned to go to his class.

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