Chapter 6

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I woke up one this particular cold morning to the sound of a knock on my door. "Leave it at the door please!" I called out knowing it was the paper boy. I got up and went to the door grabbing the paper. It was September 29, 1924. A whole year that me and my killing partner joined forces, that reminded me. I walked over to the radio and turned it on. I listened as Alastor's voice came on telling of the latest murder and a story or two. I got up and got myself something to drink, only to sit back down and wait.

His air time ended and I went to my room getting dressed. Once finished, I left for his house. I looked at the people walking and flashed a friendly smile. "Good morning!" I would say, and sometimes I would get it back. I knocked on Alastor's door and he opened it. "Ah yes I was expecting you! I actually had a question just for you,(y/n)." I looked at him and smiled. "What would that be, Al?" I asked. "I was thinking and I thought maybe we could become room mates, you do spend the day at my house and it's everyday." He said. "So you want me to move in with you?" He nodded."As room mates, or well house mates." I smiled."I'd love that. When should I start packing?" I asked. "I have your room ready, so if you want we can start packing now, I'll even help!" He was excited about this. "To my house it is then." I said heading out.

After hours of packing we finishes. I was lying on the ground as Alastor was sitting up and against a box just talking. "You don't own that much do you?" He asked. "No, never had a reasons too..." I sat up just as he stood up. "We take the boxes to my house tomorrow and then the day after that..." He held out his hand helping me up." We clean up and make sure there are no traces of what you've done here." He yanked me forewords a little to fast and I hit my head into his chine. "I'm sorry, are you alright?" I asked rubbing my forehead. He nodded. "My fault really, I didn't expect you to be that light..." I giggled. "I didn't expect you to be that strong." He then started laughing.

We started to head back to his place, I was planing on staying there tonight. Be careful... you don't know what he's hiding, but keep going still. "Thanks Victoria, I will." I said out loud not remembering I was with someone. "Who are you talking too?" Alastor turned around and started looking for anyone but me. "Oh... um long story... I'll tell you tomorrow morning though." I looked down a little sheepish. "Alright, just remember I have the time to listen." He kept moving forwards and to his door, unlocking it to let us both in. "Now if you want you can put your voodoo and other nick-knacks with mine down in the basement. For now let me just show you your room." He said leading me up the stairs.

I peaked my head in and saw how the room looked. "Thank you again." I said heading to the room. You forgot sleep wear. "Well great... I'll just sleep in this Vic..." I said. "Oh! Yes you don't have sleep wear. If you want you can borrow some of mine." I shook my head." Thank you for the offer, but I'll pick some up on my way back." He nodded and headed back to his room. What are these feeling I feel? Just friendship? I've never really had a friend, so it probably is.

I headed out and couldn't find any victims. Copper in the ally to your left. Run to the other side when I say... NOW! I did as told and walked to my house. I got in and grabbed the box of cloths and left, locking the door after. Imagine the questions the cops would ask you on why you are out this late. 'What are you doing out this late? Oh sure you aren't the killer. Well see about that.' Don't put that in my head. I was so close to getting back when something pulled me into the ally. I was about to fight when they whispered to me."Stay still... the cops about to get shot and you don't have your weapon." I pulled back and saw Victoria. "So you risk yourself?" I whisper yelled. "Listen I might not care and be a giant ass, but I still like you kid." She said. I headed out when she told me was safe.

I finally made it back and got into the pajamas I had. "So comfy." I said. I soon slipped into the bed and tried to fall asleep, but had trouble. It was my first night there and I knew there was a serial killer in the next room over, but he knows the same as me. We had grown fund of each other so I would doubt he would try killing me now. I trusted him as he trusted me. I got out of bed and went down and got a glass of water. "What are you doing up? No kills?" I heard a male voice ask. "Yeah no kills and couldn't sleep... what about you, Al?" I asked. He sat down in front of me. "I'm use to the quite of my house and hearing noise alerted me, waking me up. What's on your mind keeping you up?" He asked. "Just new place that I'm staying at and I'm not use to it. Plus I'm scared a killer will sneak into my room and murder me as I sleep." I was joking for the last part and he had started laughing. "This is the safest place there is, so no worries." I smiled. "Yeah..." He looked behind me at a clock. "It's best we get to bed, we have a lot of work to do tomorrow." I nodded and went to my bedroom. "Goodnight..." I heard him call and I said it back, soon to fall into a nice sleep.


All caught up! Yes! Hope you enjoy and have a lovely night!


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