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(Authors Note: Wow, its been a little bit hasn't it? I blame school and life getting in the way. I'm hopefully going to have more time now because I managed to switch my Spanish class for something much easier so- fingers crossed that I can start writing on a schedule again. Anyways- this image is sponsored by jessica archambault. It's based on the scene from where Jevil gets (Y/N) a present in one of the Dimentio chapters! I love seeing those adorable little Jevil ears!)

Your face scrunches up, looking around at the vast sandy shores that surrounded you, before looking back at him. "Are we leaving already?" You didn't think he would be the type to have a picnic.

Dimentio shakes his head with an amused grin. "My healer, do you really think this was all that there was to my tropical vacation spot?" You roll your eyes at his words, cursing under your breath. Oh great-! Who would have guessed the magician would have a trick up his sleeve? You wouldn't expect anything else form the creature that seemed to carry mysteries like business cards.

Dimentio lifts up his hand gesturing at the strange rocky formation at the further most end of the beach. A cave. Jagged, stalagmites come together to form its mouth, leaving it with the appearance of sharp bone-crunching teeth. The red tint of the stone reminded you of blood like someone painted the whole structure with there inner coloration. Blackness filled the insides of the structure, beckoning you with what may be held inside.

The fool definitely knew how to make something look interesting. "Huh... What did you put in there?" You weren't expecting a direct response, but you couldn't stop yourself from asking. While the design was artificial and more than likely designed to intrigue you, starring at the pointy rocks did make your stomach feel queasy. Maybe he was planning on killing you in there instead?

"Aha ha ha. You know I'd never miss the chance to have you see the surprise for yourself." You narrow your eyes at him. "What if I don't want your surprise?"

"-Oh? Are you really not curious at all at the wonders that lay inside?" asked, Dimentio. You got to have a serene single nice moment, just enjoying the taste of the air and the sand consuming your body. Then Dimentio came over and ruined all of that with his aggressive flirting. Whatever was inside of there, no matter how nice or amazing, Dimentio would ruin your experience just being there and being himself.

"I just REALLY don't care." There was nothing you'd love to do more than to just turn around and let his damn smiling mask not have the satisfaction of watching your anger. As far as you can tell you seems entranced with your emotions if that little speech about the fire in your eyes meant anything. You couldn't turn from him though. He would pull something.

He tilts his head to the side, cupping his chin. "Ah-! I see..." Playfulness dripped from his words like molasses down a hill. "So, you like this playful game of cat and mouse more then?" A subtle purr was at the end of his words. Your face pales a shudder going down your spine. He considers this just a game? Well... you should have expected this from someone like him.

"What? No!" You yell, it was sickening just thinking about imagining your interactions from him just being a game for his amusement. And even worse was the idea of him thinking you enjoyed it.

He throws his hand out to gesture at you, and you feel the urge to step back only to remember the water covering your feet. If you kept letting him move you, sooner or later you would be submerged in the water. You grimace from the thought, if that happens you might as well refer to it as your grave... You never learned how to swim.

"Ha ha ha- You can deny it like someone without health insurance denies the giant pulsating wound on their leg! Truth doesn't stop when you lie." If you had a Dark Dollar for every time you heard a jester make a presumption about how you felt or that you were just playing hard to get... You would be richer than the Kings.

"Why Won't You Smile at Me?" Yandere!Jevil X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now