Chapter 1

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Well two years later and turns out I drove home and packed all of my important things. I packed up and shipped myself off to London. I was now living in a rather large studio apartment in a building that is partnered with a university and is basically an off campus dorm building. Large meaning that it was the entire top floor of a five story building. So I was now roomies with Molly, a freshman, who was way too high energy. I pitied the guys that she dated and sympathised with them when she came back from a movie.


That being said she could be fun sometimes. However, I was thankful that for the whole of the break between her trimesters, she was going home, which was Dublin, I think. That gave me all the way from the last week of November to the second week of January to chill out in the flat, go shopping at whatever Oxford street shops, buy anything I want and not have to hide it, and my favourite, party and not have to be limited about when I can drink because of exams.


Just to explain, Molly doesn't know who I am. Nobody really does. I changed my name and I dyed my hair platinum. But I'm going to have to dye it back soon or else my roots will come through and that isn't good. I wear much more make up than needed if I go out and since I've been in the UK for two years and the last time I flew to Ibiza was in June I'm slightly lighter than I'd like to be. My roomie doesn't know that I have a ton of family money and I like keeping it that way.


Anyways, the first thing I did was take a nice hot bath in the almost too big tub with a few candles littered around and rose petals in the water. It felt so relaxing to be able to have a nice glass of white wine and listen to some quiet music without being interrupted. I swear sometimes living with my roommate could make me feel like a middle aged mother, which is not a good thing by any means, so I earned this.


Close to an hour and the majority of the bottle of wine, I got out and drained the bath after slipping on a too short silk dressing gown and letting my long hair drop out of the grip the clip had on it. Shaking my hair out just a bit, I walked into the kitchen and stopped dead as I saw four tall males in the kitchen.


Resting my hand on the counter and resting my weight on it, I just watched as they all looked through the fridge. Spotting a note on the stainless steel door with my name on it that I hadn't noticed before, I walked over and tugged it down not even caring about the people at this point as I had a feeling I knew what the note would say.


I quickly read over it and groaned loudly.


"Fuck..." I let out and tossed the paper and envelope on the counter.


Not realising that I had gained the attention of all four boys now, I stood up and looked at them.


"So I suppose you're the ones that she's renting her part of the apartment out to?" I asked impatiently.


They nodded and the shortest one, who was still at least six feet tall, with borderline brown curly hair stepped forward.


"Yeah, I'm Ashton. This is Michael,"


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