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Monday had rolled around and Lucy reluctantly dragged herself out of the comfort of her bed to get ready for a day of work. She had locked herself inside her room all weekend only making a few trips to the kitchen and living room to check on her mother. After their night at the bar, her co-workers invited her to a Saturday club night out but she declined instead opting to wallow in her sanctuary thinking about Ace.

Lucy had avoided him for the last week after the incident by switching shifts with others, but she knew she had to face him in order to not cause suspicion. Over the weekend Lucy had thought over and over the scenario and how she reacted, ultimately she came to one conclusion; she was fuȼking pissed off. As an officer it was her responsibility to at least alert someone that those damned cards had somehow made it into a dangerous detainees cell, before something more serious got in. Lucy was pissed at Ace but mostly she was angry with herself, why didn't she rat him out?

Her father had instilled in her the importance of laws and rules,the passion to enforce them and reprimand those who didn't abide. Yet, she stayed silent and allowed Ace to believe she was a pushover who would let him get away with disobeying the rules. She had considered marching into the wardens office the next day to inform him of contraband entering the inmates cell, but she figured Ace would have already disposed of the cards. There was also a small part of her that opposed to snitching on him simply because she didn't want to see the punishment that would inevitably come to Ace, Lucy couldn't understand why but the thought alone made her certain that shouldn't tell anyone of what happened that day.

After breakfast she was assigned to Ace, Lucy was ready to face him and really give him a piece of her mind. The raging emotions that were bottled up over the weekend were now bubbling out and she was ready to let all her frustration out on the detainee. A harmless deck of cards, it seemed so foolish to be upset over them but the disobeyal of policy and the disregard for her authority made Lucy see red. Immediately, after every inmate finished breakfast and she was relieved from her post, she made a beeline for her Aces' cell.


"You fuȼking showed her the cards?" Kurt couldn't believe Ace would be so stupid, if Amorosi were to inform anyone he would be the number one suspect of sneaking sh!t into a him. All the officer knew that Ace and him had a friendly relationship, they didn't know the exact extent however anyone could figure out by how often his posts are at the cell that he was the one giving him contraband.

"Calm down, no one has come asking about them so she obviously hasn't said anything. Besides it was a pack of cards, how much trouble could you possibly get into?" Ace had put off telling Kurt about Lucy's reaction for this exact reason, Kurt can be really over dramatic.

"If someone finds out I put anything in your cell, I will be fired. You're a high-risked detainee idiot, they will believe I'm providing you with more than just cards."

"No one is going to find out, stop bitȼhing about it." Ace stretched back on his bed and laughed when Kurt flipped him off. Ace closed his eyes to thinking of how he was going to get Lucy back on his side, she couldn't avoid him forever and he needed someway to gain her trust again. He must still have his foot in the door otherwise she would of said to hell with him and ratted him out to the warden. At the sound of quick thudding from down the hall followed by the friendly yet constricted hello from Kurt, Ace knew Lucy was outside his cell. He waited for Kurt to leave before opening his eyes and gazing over at her, he had missed her face however her angered expression dimmed his smile.

"Where are they?" Lucy voice was cold and toneless, Ace moved to the end of his bed wanting to feel closer to the small woman.

"I got rid of them. Um thank you for not telling anyone." She gave him a quick nod before taking a step closer to the transparent door after looking down the hall for any sign of on listeners. Ace leaned closer inspecting the details of her face, he had only seen her up close briefly last week and he enjoyed that he was able to see her a little over an arm lengths away.

"Listen good inmate, the next time you pull some sh!t like that I'll make sure you end up in up a small, dark cemented room with a small slit in the door. I'm not someone that will just overlook you're bullsh!t and let you jeopardize my job at this prison. I'm not here to be your fuȼking friend, you got that?" Ace smirked in response. Lucy was a little spitfire not afraid to stand her ground, he admired that about her.

"I understand Lucy." She gave another curt nod before stepping back from the cell, Aces' eyes continued to be transfixed on her for the remainder of the time they had together. He decided that he would let her cool off before trying to make an attempt at talking to her again. It was strange that he still had an interest in this woman, on the outside if a woman was this much effort he would have given up ages ago. Women fawned after Ace, they were easily obtainable to him so there was no need to go chasing anyone, but there was something about Lucy that made him want to chase her. Perhaps, it was the fact of her being a guard and seeming so untouchable that made him want her even more or maybe it was just the fact that he hadn't been laid in a little over 8 years.


Lucy felt completely mentally drained, after ripping Ace a new a$$hole her day seemed to only get worse. The teacher for educational classes called in sick so Lucy was designated the job of watching over the inmates whilst they completed unfinished work from the previous week. However none of them seemed very motivated without their usual energetic leader and so loud chatter rang through the small room providing Lucy with a slight headache. Then whilst she was monitoring around the perimeter of the yard, there was an intense argument between two inmates that morphed into a physical confrontation. Luckily, another guard and Lucy were able to break up the fight before too much damaged was caused. To top it all off her she had forgotten her lunch and had to settle with coffee and a packet of chips from the vending machine.

Kurt entered the staff room and frown when he saw Lucy slumped over and writing furiously. She usually finished earlier than him so he knew she must of been filling out paperwork about the incident that happened in the yard. He dragged out the chair across from her, when she raised her head he noticed how exhausted she looked. Her hair was beginning to fall out and her eyes were rimmed with dark circles, she looked disheveled compared to her usual put-together self.

"You look like shit."

"I feel like shit, it's been the day from hell." She tried a small smile before proceeding to finish off her work with a signature at the bottom of the page, but Kurt read the fake expression and felt sorry for the small woman.

"Tell me about it." Lucy sat up straight in her chair feeling her muscles ache from being dormant in the same position for a long period of time. At first she was hesitant to tell Kurt her big sob story, when she really put things into perspective she would have been able to tolerate today's events, if it hadn't started with her confrontation with Ace. The conversation with the infuriating man had put her in the worst mood, and amplified all annoyances up to unbearable. But when Lucy saw Kurts' kind smile she felt like spilling everything letting go of the weight on her shoulders. The two had become good friends, making conversation when they were assigned to the same area and becoming drinking buddies when the staff members would go to the local bar.

"I just didn't get a good start to the day and it has had me in a bad mood all day." Kurt felt his jaw clench, he knew when he crossed paths with Lucy outside Aces' cell that she was off her normal chipper demeanor. There was a sense of protectiveness for Lucy that came over him, he couldn't stand to see his friend this upset.

"Ace. What did that idiot do?" Kurt had a good feeling her issue with Ace was related to the cards that the moron had showed her.

Lucy laughed slightly at his comment, he was a freaking idiot. "If I tell you, you have to promise that you won't tell anyone else." She had grown to trust Kurt and the fact that him and Ace had a close-knit, made her believe that he would keep this secret.

"I promise," Kurt said sincerely, although he already knew what she was going to say. "but maybe we should discuss this elsewhere, you up for a drink?" Lucy simply nodded, deciding it would be strange if someone were to walk in and see the two of them talking way past their clocking off time. The duo gathered their possessions and Lucy quickly dropped off her filled out paperwork to the wardens' office before leaving.



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