Chapter six

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Measi sat with Nathan as they played a game of cards, Measi putting on another card as she heard Dale chuckle behind her. She turned her head as he pointed at her cards. ''Should have done that one.''

''Hey, if you're helping her, help me too!'' Measi chuckled at Nathan as Dale stood next to him now, pointing at one card and than another. Glenn walked by them, handing each of them some fruit. She frowned as she saw his weird gaze towards the barn. She shrugged it off and continued to play cards. 

When they heard Shane whistle, they each got up and made their way towards the others. 

''The creek flows south, past that farmhouse Daryl found. Maybe Sophia dropped the doll there, the current brought it downstream.'' Measi followed Rick's finger, looking over the map to see where Daryl had been looking for the young girl. 

''So you think that  she took this road here and then she went north?'' 

''Yeah. What's up that way?'' Rick turned to Jimmy, who leaned his head on his hand. 

''A housing development. It went in maybe 10 years ago.'' Nathan looked at Measi before turning to the others, slightly raising his hand, as if asking a teacher permission to speak.

''Yeah, new guy?''

''Uhm ... Nathan.'' When neither Rick or Shane said a thing, he shook his head and pointed at the map. ''I've been mostly in this area, if she had been there, I would have spotted her. So you can cancel on that point.'' 

''Thanks.'' Measi smiled at him, holding her hand up for a soft low-five, one that he gladly returned. 

''Take a run up there after gun practice. I'll hold down the fort here, but take backup. After what went down with Daryl, I don't want anyone going out alone. We stay in pairs.''

''I'll take suggestions on a partner.''

''See how they do on the range, then take your pick.''

''We'd like to join you for gun training today.'' Measi's head turned to the youngest of the Greene family, her name was Beth. She looked at the group with a slightly frightened look, most likely scared to ask them. 

''Hershel's been very clear. I can't involve any of you in what we do without his okay.''

''He doesn't like it, but he consented.'' She spoke again, turning to Patricia who stood next to Beth. 

''Otis was the only one who knew guns. Now that he's gone, we gotta learn to protect ourselves. -- Her father saw the sense in that.''

''No offense, but I'll ask Hershel myself.'' Rick said, the two of them nodding as Measi and Nathan kept studying the map on the hood of the car, striping out some of the area's that Sophia couldn't have been. 

Measi sat in the car with Nathan, Beth, Patricia and Jimmy. The two teenagers sat in the back of the car as they were happily chatting with each other. ''No, I've had a gun ever since I was ... eight I'd say?'' She motioned to her sniper on her back as she smiled. ''But this one, I've had it since my fourteenth birthday. Daryl bought it for me.'' 

''Can you teach me? When we get to the range?'' He stuttered a bit over his words before meeting her gaze. ''I know how to shoot with this one.'' Holding up his hand gun. ''But I've never shot with a sniper.'' 

''Yeah, 'course.'' 

Measi loaded up her sniper before holding it to her eye, looking through the scope before nodding to herself. She passed it to Nathan as she began explaining how to keep it steady and where to aim for. 

''The thing with a sniper is that you only have one round, so you have to reload every single time after a shot. So once you have fired your shot, you have to clear the shell casing and load another round before you can shoot again.'' She took the gun from him again, steadying herself before shooting a bottle and reloading her gun. ''Just like that.'' 

She explained a bit more before allowing him to shoot. She stood behind him, adjusting his arms before nodding and whispering. ''Now concentrate.'' She smiled as she glanced at him, blushing slightly. ''And shoot.'' He pulled the trigger, the bullet hitting the bottle as he smiled back at her.  She zoned out for a moment, just staring at his face. 

''Like that?''

''Huh?'' She zoned back into the real word before nodding. ''Yeah, yeah just like that.'' 

After they had returned to the camp, Measi had her sniper on her back again, chatting with Nathan and a few others about how the shooting had gone well, Carl happily talking about how he handled the gun. 

She waved Nathan goodbye after a while, getting inside of the tent with Daryl, smiling as she laid eyes on him holding a book. ''A book?'' She chuckled at herself. ''Didn't know you could read.''

''Hey, shut it trigger finger.'' He smirked as he continued his book. ''Before you don't have a finger to pull the trigger anymore.'' She laughed as she grabbed another book from the pile, beginning to read it as she leaned against the mattress. 

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-X Violet's-library

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