Chapter 1 - Going on Tour

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They are going on tour and everyone is excited because it is fun to be with each other constantly for a full month. The kids get to play while their parents are dancing so they are excited to be able to play with their friends every day.

The tour bus comes to pick the first lot up. Katya is wearing a pink backpack that looks like a pretty butterfly, it has a strap from it that Luba is holding to make sure she doesn't run off as she is quite hyper. Nancy is a little older and very shy so she just holds her mommy's hand. They board the bus quickly and Oti gets them a table seat, ushering Nancy in and helping her take off her coat.
"Baby come on it is time to go" Luba gently tugs on the strap to get Katya to face her but the girl is distracted.
"Pretty!" She says pointing up at the sky
"Come on baby we need to get on the bus please we don't have much time" Luba says but Katya is still distracted, she stands firmly in place even as Luba tries to pull her towards the bus.

"Pretty!" She says again, forcefully.
"Okay say goodbye to the pretty sky" Luba says, Katya starts to tantrum so she picks her up and carries her onto the bus. She is screaming once they eventually get on and Luba places her down in the seat across from Oti.

"Noooooo!" Katya whines, she tries to take advantage of when Luba takes her backpack off to run off the bus. Thankfully, Nadiya was just getting on and catches her, picking her up.
"Where are you heading trouble? We are staying on the bus" she tells her, gently bouncing the crying girl in her arms. The girl makes a loud noise and Nadiya holds her closer to rub her back.
"Aww baby, that's not a very good noise. You're okay Auntie is here"

Nadiya carries her back towards where Luba is watching them, sitting down next to her best friend with Katya on her lap. The girl is sucking her thumb and only crying a little bit now.

"There, she is calmer now" Nadiya says and Luba breathes a sigh of relief

"She will settle down soon, she just gets nervous about new places" Luba says, reaching into the girls bag for a dummy which she passes over to her little one.

"I'm excited!" Nancy smiles and Oti gently strokes her hair from her face

"I know, you get to play with all your friends" Oti tells her

"And watch you dance mama!" She says with a big grin

"Yeah? You like watching mama dance?" Oti asks and the girl nods, getting out her doodle book for the journey as the coach starts off towards the next pick up point.

Karen, David, Aj and Janette join the bus at the next stop. The two adults greet their friends and though David isn't a dancer he is travelling with them for a little bit so he can spend time with the kids and help whilst everyone is on stage.

Aj runs up to Katya, titling his head as he looks at her.

"Katty sad?" He asks Nadiya, who nods

"She was a little bit sad but I think now she just wants some quiet time"

"Oh....was gonna play" Aj frowns

"You guys can play soon, let Katya have some rest first bud" David tells him, guiding him over to their seats.

At the last pick up stop, everyone else gets on the coach. Kevin walks in, stopping to hug most people as he walks up towards the back. There's a sudden flash of red hair and Dianne runs past him to sit in the very back seats.

"I beat you daddy!" She announces with a giggle "And Amy too! I won da race!"

Kevin looks back to see his younger daughter running much slower towards him, she trips on a step and lands on her face which makes her cry out.

Thankfully Stacey is just behind and picks her up, holding her close and soothing her as she balances Neil on her other hip.

"It's okay baby girl, you're okay" she tells the crying four year old

"Dianne, you have to behave. Your sister copies what you do and if it's dangerous for her she could get hurt" Kevin tells his older daughter who frowns and looks down shyly. He can see tears start to form in her eyes and wants to go comfort her but he can tell Stacey is struggling.

"Babe, I'll take Neil and get him and Dianne settled so you look after Amy" he says, walking up to her.

"Cmon little man" he says as he scoops up the boy from Staceys arms to allow her to hold Amy properly. He walks to the back and sits Neil down before sitting himself down next to Dianne. The little girl leans into his side and he kisses her head.

"I'm sorry daddy I didn't want to hurt sissy at all we was just having fun" Dianne says

"That's okay baby I know you didn't mean it, we just have to be extra careful with Amy because of her disability, she is more fragile and gets hurt easier than you"

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