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Azriah's Pov

We were almost there All this time she held me in her grip her head lying on my back ,her touch and closeness brought warmth to my body and heart

She was like a missing peice which now completed the puzzle called my life

I felt alive and complete with her

And i was ready to start afresh with her and paint a new picture

Never have i thought someone could affect me that much

And somehow she understands these feelings and even i know her feeling about me ,
It was like we never had to put it in words

We understood each other even without speaking

Bringing my bike to halt i look at the place i take Ella's hand around me grasping them in mine bringing them to my lips to kiss them gently

And then we slowly get off with our hands joined

Ella POV

We were in front of a graveyard

I followed Azriah as he walked through the cemetery

Finally we came to a halt at a particular grave which had beautiful
White lilies around it

     'Zelilah Carmen Cole'
         A loving sister

"She loved white Lily's ,,i plant them here every year" Azriah said in very soft tone

"She must have been beautiful"

"She was " he nodded

"She would have loved you" he said looking at me

"How do you know that?"

"Because she liked people who stand up for themselves ,who are brave and kind "
I  was now looking at him with an unknown emotion i don't know what overtook me i just hugged him

"She would love for you to give your life a chance and change it for better"
I say

"I know and that is why i have brought you here"
He says looking at me breaking the hug

He walked to the grave sitting beside it and i did the same

"Hey Zelilah, remember you told me to live and not give up, and be happy ..i didn't ,i didn't do it ,i bottled up all my emotions  so much that it hurt me and hurt me so bad that i inflicted self pain ,did all sorts of wrong things" he said with tears  and his voice cracking up ,,i had tears in my eyes listening the things he have been through  i pat his back a little

He shudder a little

"But now i have decided that that's it ,no more misery ,it ends now ,and that is why i want you to meet Ella
I don't know how it happened but she has scored a special place in my life " he said looking at me

My heartbeat fastened and i froze in my place

"And i m going to live happy now ,for you and for her "

I was on loss of words

"Azriah" i gasp

"Yes Ella i know it's strange but its true ,i have never felt like this for anyone but you mean a lot to me
And if i want a new start i would like to do it by saying the truth and start it from you ,, Ella thank you for punching me that day "

I smile a little at the last line wiping away my tears

"Ella" he says looking at me in the Eye
Somehow i knew what was coming

"I love you" we both said in unison

We both giggle as he tightly hugs me

"Actually i love you doesn't sound as comforting as i hate you does" i say against his chest

" I was thinking the same"he said looking at me with an embrace around me



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