Dice master part 1 : The old threats return

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"What?! I would never do that!" George screams out of frustration. "Just chill bro it's only for an hour or so." Fynn responds. "We'll need to do this George otherwise we won't succeed she's our only hope." Gabriel says. "Fine but I won't be happy." George says stubborn. "I can deal with that." Gabriel responds. Jayden, George, Lillith, Daisy and Fynn have agreed to play DND today. But Gabriel says that they'll have to cancel in order to succeed. George on the other hand has an even harder job. He needs to abandon his sister for today. He walks up to their room where she's listening to music. "Sis we need to talk." "What about it George?" "Well everyone cancelled DND." "No biggy at leest your here." She hugs George. "About that. I'm sorry but I can't hang out with you anymore." "What why not. You promise you'd never leave me remember." "Well. I'm sorry but I can't hang out with a failure." George runs of to Gabriel who has transformed into Hawkmoth and hugs him while he's crying. "I can't do this dad I have to apologise!" "I know I know. But you can't don't you want me to succeed?" "Yes dad but not at the cost of my sister." While George does that Jayden is shocked of what just happened she just listens to depressing songs and sings along. While looking through her DND books. "I thought we built a dynasty that heaven couldn't shake. I thought we built a dynasty like nothing ever made. I thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up." She can't sing anymore because she's crying so hard. George is running to their room. Hawkmoth's window opens. "How I hate to do this to you Jayden." A butterfly lands into the palm of his hand and he turns it into an akuma.  He seems sad as he lets the akuma go in the house. George bursts the door open as the akuma goes into the book of Jayden. George screams as he starts to cry. "This is all my fault!" "Dice master. I'm Hawkmoth. So they don't want to play with you anymore. Well I'm giving you the power to play with them. But you'll have to get me something in return. Ladybug and cat noir's miraculous of course." Jayden keeps crying. "I'll do anything for you dad." She transforms into dice master. George falls in his knees. "I'm sorry." He says while whimpering. "No worries George you can help me. I can give you the powers of Joinker and even more. I'll give Joinky powers to." George just keeps crying as he looks at her. "I'll do anything to fix my mistake." She writes some things in her book then pulls out the outfit of Joinker. She puts it in the bag of George. George transforms into Joinker. She draws something else and pulls out a dog outfit of Joinker. She puts it into the collar of Joinky. "Joinky I'm giving you the power of stealth and the power to steal just like Joinker. You'll listen to Joinker and only Joinker." Joinky barks and transforms. Joinker keeps crying then dries his tears and looks serious. He jumps out of the window. Dice master draws something and pulls out a disguise of Jayden. She puts it in her Jacket. She transforms into Jayden. She also jumps out the window. Adrien sees how Joinker and Joinky  jump from roof to roof. "Well that's a surprise I thought he was finally happy with us." He sees that Joinker has tears in his eyes. "Something must've happened with Jayden." He goes to the room of Jayden and George. He opens the door and sees tears everywhere and that the room is trashed. "Plagg claws out!" He transforms into cat noir. "We have to save my brother and sister!" He also jumps out the window. Meanwhile Jayden arrives at the room of Fynn. "What the fuck are you doing here." "I'm here to cause chaos. I can give you the powers of Agent resilience and even more." Fynn looks interested. "I'm listening." "Well I'm giving you the extra power of cosplay. When you say costplay and you strike a pose you can get part of a power of someone else." Fynn looks even more interested. "Well what are you waiting for." Jayden draws something in het book. Pulls out a furry suit like Agent resilience. And puts it in the keychain. Fynn transforms into Agent resilience. "You'll have to built up strength first. So go around town and delete everyone's memories." Jayden demands. Agent resilience listens and jumps out of the window. Meanwhile Marinette also sees Joinker and Joinky go in her house and steal her father's apron. She gets a bit upset. "Tiki spots on!" She transforms into ladybug. She jumps out to meet cat noir there. "Well hello m'lady it's a bit frustrating that we can't catch up with him." Cat noir says. "Do I have to get carapace?" "Nah we can deal with him." They scream to him. "Hi Joiker we missed ya buddy!!!" He turns around now they both see clearly that he has cried. "Just leave me alone!!! Joinky take care of them please." He pets his dog and then the dog jumps out at ladybug. "Wel your a bad dog." Cat noir teases. The dog barks and ladybug can't move then her yo-yo gets sucked up in his collar. "In his collar cat noir!" The dog barks again now the stick of cat noir in his collar. Cat noir jumps on him so he can't move while ladybug rips the collar. Nothing happens except that the dog and the collar turn to normal. "Well that's wierd nothing in there." Cat noir says. The yo-yo and the stick fall out of the collar they grab them. "Must be because Joinker has the akuma. They go after Joinker. They spot him crying in an ally. He spots them and screams. "Why can't you two bullies just leave me alone!!!" "That's because it's our job to keep this city save." They both say. "Wait it's your fault that dad needs her to be sad in the first place." He says to him self. He stands up and starts to fight he launches at them and punches them than steal their weapons. "Now let's make this fair!" He says arrogant. They still manage to pin him down to the ground. They break his bag. And George returns to normal. Meanwhile Jayden arrives at the house of Daisy. "I need you!" She says. "With what?" Daisy asks. "I can give you the powers of Night mare back and even more. I'll give you the power to bring the nightmares that you cause to come to live." She draws in her book and pulls out a horses body and puts it in her arrow. Daisy transforms into nightmare and she jumps out the window. "Well where's the akuma?" Cat noir asks. "Well it seems there isn't an akuma. Maybe there's someone else." Ladybug responds. Cat noir has a suspicion that it's Jayden but then Night mare arrives. "Round two." She says. She starts shooting at them but they block it. Then she changes her strategie. A random kid walking by. Night mare sees her and shoots her. The arrow hits her in her chest and dissipates. She falls asleep and a scary bear like creature comes out of her. The monster starts to cause chaos. Ladybug and cat noir go to Night mare when she doesn't expect it. Ladybug breaks her arrow and the kid wakes up, the monster disappears and she turns into Daisy. The arrow is fixed but still there's no akuma. "Do you know where the akuma is." Ladybug asks. "No I'm sorry." She's lying of course. Jayden now enters the room of Lillith. "Wha-what are you doing here Jayden?" "I can give you the powers of Snow glace back. To give you a second chance." "But I just don't have the confidence to do so." "I can give you confidence." She draws something's in her book. And takes out the costume of Snow glace but with a twist. She puts it in her book. She transforms into Snow glace. She immediately feels confident and goes after ladybug and cat noir. "Round three." She fires a beam of ice. They dodge it but then she immediately throws her ice spear. That goes into the arm of cat noir. He falls to the ground. "M'lady since when is it so cold here." He starts to turn into ice. Ladybug knows where the akuma is. In her book. "Make him turn to normal you ice queen." She just smiles and retrieves the spear. Then throws it at ladybug followed by an ice beam. "This is not good we've fought everyone before except her she was to scared to fight. But now it's like she's a totally different person." Ladybug says to herself. She launches at Snow glace who didn't expect it. She gets the book and rips it. Again no akuma. But the book turns to normal, cat noir turns back to normal and Snow glace turns back into Lillith. Then Agent resilience shows up buff as ever. Striking a dramatic pose as always. He shouts. "Cosplay!" He looks like Joinker now. "Joink!" He launches at cat noir. Who reacts quickly. "Cataclysm!" And he grabs the keychain and destroys it. "How!" Agent resilience screams. He turns back to normal. But still no akuma. "Where is that akuma!" Ladybug screams. Fynn goes back to his house. He gets a call. It's from Jayden. "Hey Fynn I've invited you and the others I have a plan."

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