Sound Barrier

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A few months have passed. There haven't been much akumatisations. The town of Paris is happy because prom is coming up. Everyone is preparing for it. The last few weeks Jayden and Fynn have talked a lot about how they both feel about George. Lucio who usually sleeps through the day is now awake most of the day. He is envious. He thinks deep inside that Jayden doesn't like her anymore but he pushes those feelings away deep down. He is planning to take Jayden to prom. Fynn has fallen into a deep depression without George. He misses him very much. He almost got akumatised about 5 times but then he looks at Jayden and all the bad feelings go away. Fynn can cry when Jayden is around. He really likes her attention because at home he can't show his emotions. Fynn's family is a bit weird. They don't speak openly about their emotions. They just pretend everything's always fine. Fynn knows that that is not the case. On this day Lucio wants to ask Jayden to prom. Prom is tomorrow. Jayden knows that Lucio wants to take her to prom but she doesn't know why it takes him so long. But she assumes it's because he's quite lazy. Lucio casually approaches her as if nothing is out of the ordinary. "So how are you on this fine day?" He asks her. "Good as always." She responds. "Well I have something to ask you." "You do." Jayden responds knowing what's coming next. "Will you be my prom date." Lucio asks excitedly. "Of course!" Jayden says happily. She kisses him on the cheek. "See you tomorrow on prom. You better not come in your pyjamas." Lucio smiles and scratches the back of his head. "Of course not u silly." Jayden hands over a small speaker. "This is for you. It helped me through tough times but I want you to have it." Lucio blushes and takes it. Chloe walks by and sees the gesture and is jealous because she doesn't have a date. "Get a room!" She screams to them. The next day they both get ready for prom. Jayden is wearing a nice dress and Lucio is wearing a tuxedo. The doorbell rings and Jayden goes to the front door. She opens it to see Fynn crying. "I can't take it anymore!" He screams. He hugs her and cries in her arms. Lucio was going to pick her up but sees them hugging. He starts crying. All the emotions from the past month come out. "Why me. If you don't like me anymore just say so!" He runs of crying. He gets to school and sits on the floor. He holds the speaker of Jayden in his hand. He starts to sing what's on his mind. "I'm nearing the end of my fourth year
I feel like I've been lacking, crying too many tears
Everyone seemed to say it was so great
But did I miss out, was it a huge mistake?
I can't help the fact I like to be alone
It might sound kinda sad, but that's just what I seem to know
I tend to handle things usually by myself
And I can't ever seem to try and ask for help
I'm sitting here, crying in my prom suit
I'd be the prom king if crying was a contest
My tears are running down, feelings are all around
How did I get here? I need to know
I guess I maybe had a couple expectations
Thought I'd get to them, but no I didn't
I guess I thought that prom was gonna be fun
But now I'm sitting on the floor and all I wanna do is run
I keep collections of masks upon my wall
To try and stop myself from revealing it all
Affecting others is the last thing I would do
I keep to myself though I want to break through
I hold so many small regrets
And what-ifs down inside my head
Some confidence it couldn't hurt me
My demeanor is often misread
I'm sitting here, crying in my prom suit
I'd be the prom king if crying was a contest
My tears arerunning down, feelings are all around
How did I get here I need to know
I guess I maybe had a couple expectations
Thought I'd get to them, but no I didn't
I guess I thought that prom was gonna be fun
But now I'm sitting on the floor and all I wanna do is run
All I wanna do is run
All I wanna do is run
All I wanna do is run
I'm sitting here, crying in my prom suit
I'd be the prom king if crying was a contest
My tears are running down, feelings are all around
How did I get here I need to know
I guess I maybe had a couple expectations
Thought I'd get to them, but no I didn't
I guess I thought that prom was gonna be fun
But now I'm sitting on the floor and all I wanna do is run
All I wanna do is run." He keeps crying. Hawkmoths window opens. "Well that's sad. And my own daughter is the one to do it to him." A butterfly lands in his hand and he turns it into an akuma. "Fly away my little akuma and evilise this broken heart." "I'm sorry. All I do is kill things off." Fynn cries out. "No you don't and you know that. I just need to calm him down before. Well you know." She runs off. When she comes to school she sees the akuma enter the speaker enter the speaker she gave to him. "That's just sick!" She runs back home to get her miraculous. "Sound barrier. So you heard some things you didn't want to hear. Well I'm giving you the power to take those words you can hear and turn them into anything you want. But in return you'll have to get something for me." "Spare me the details I'm in." He transforms into Sound barrier. The speaker has turned into a sound gun. He runs over to the DJ station of prom and the music stops. "Aw no need to kill the music." He plays his own music and people start screaming for help. Marinette and Adrien see him and go to the bathroom to transform. When they come back they see that all the people at prom have been frozen. "Let them go you sick bastard!" Cat noir screams at him. He hears it and he makes it so it sounds like he says. "Yo man what's up!" "Well how nice of you to ask. Well I just got dumped and now I'm planning to take my anger out on you two." He responds. "Make that three!" A voice says. Silent sleeper cones through the door. "Sorry what did you say." Sound barrier says. "I said-." She freezes and drops to the floor. She starts screaming and she puts her fingers in her ears. "No I won't. Why would I give my miraculous to you cat noir. You said I could keep it." She starts crying. "For once in these dark times I thought I had a purpose." Master Fu was coincidentally at prom as well and sees her distress. He falls over and pretends to be badly hurt. Silent sleeper sees this and grabs him and takes him outside. "You shouldn't be here. It's dangerous." She says. "I don't really care. I am master Fu the guardian of the miraculous and I want you to take this miraculous to a person you can trust. If he can use this miraculous. Because this miraculous is much like yours. He can keep it." She takes the box. She immediately has a person in mind. She goes to her house and transforms back. She walks in and sees that Fynn is still on her floor crying. "Come on dude follow me." She helps him up and they go to her room. She hands over the miraculous box. "Take this we need you to help us." (To clarify Fynn is the only person besides Master Fu and Adrien who knows that she has a miraculous) Fynn dries his tears and takes the box he opens it to see a tooth on a string. It's a necklace. A the bat Kwami flys out. "Hello there I am Komori and I am your Kwami. My miraculous gives you the power to blind and deafen your enemies for a while. To activate your power just say. 'Komori lets make some noise!'" He understands and says. "Komori lets make some noise!" He transforms into the bat miraculous bearer. "I will now be known as Creepflyer." They both go to the scene. The bat miraculous bearer has a microphone as a weapon. They come to the scene and he says. "Hi there!" "Why are you guys just multiplying or something. I'm done with this. Ooh it's going down." He jumps in the air and when his sound gun hits the ground a huge shockwave knocks them all back. "See that sound gun. The akuma must be in there!" Ladybug says. "He can manipulate everything he hears." Cat noir ads. "Well then just leave it to me. Put your fingers in your ears and close your eyes guys." He whispers so Sound barrier can't hear him. They listen. "Flash-bang!" He starts screaming in the microphone and a huge light comes from it. Sound barrier drops to the ground and can't hear or see a thing. "You can open your ears now!" He screams. They open their ears and open their eyes. Ladybug grabs his sound gun and breaks it. She purifies the akuma. After the fight Silent sleeper takes Creepflyer to Master Fu who explains to him that he can keep his miraculous. He is overjoyed. The next day he goes to Lucio and talks to him. "What do YOU want." He Lucio asks him. "Well I wanted to tell you something. I am in love with someone. And their last name is indeed Dasaro. But it isn't Jayden." He says. "Wait that doesn't make any sense." Lucio says. "Well Jayden has a twin brother and I always thought I saw him as a friend but when he died I missed him so much. And I still miss him." He starts crying. "But I miss him so much that I can now see that I can't live without him. So I have come to the conclusion." He wipes his tears. "That I'm in love with Jayden's twin brother George."

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