The first Snow

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"The first snow" The wind whispers too me laughing to my self I scoop up a handful of it white every where the trees the ground everything,

"you look so dumb doing that, you know that right."

Turning I suck in a huge breath,

"wow kennel why is you're hair so blond it's almost white like my own."

Standing I saw the briefest look past her face I couldn't comprehend what it meant for she had wiped it away as fast as it came,

"Come Silver school remember."

We walked the 10 minutes from or houses to school neither me nor kennel drove yet well we did no car no driving anyway walking was good for the health.

"anything interesting happening today"
I smiled at kennel.

"I don't think so we just have to wait and see I guess"


"ladies and gentlemen please clean up after you're selfs it's not that hard we're high school students remember almost out of here I can't believe it's you seniors."

Poor Miss Bertie she was the nicest lady ever well I thought so not so much the other students oh well I guess *tap *tap *tap I felt sharp and pointy nails tapping me on the shoulders "silver did you happen too dumb a whole lot of baby powder on you're head."

Turning around I looked at Zeke the meanest bitch in this school of about 500 student's "for the 100th time zeke I was born with white hair okay" then punched her *rewind* that's what I wanted to say but like every other time just stayed Quiet hearing the laughter it brought to the other students everyone thought my hair was fake I had no other way too prove them wrong I kind of just gave up.

*Bong bing bing*

Saved by the bell I thought rushing out the door to meet kennel in the cafeteria why was it so crowded today this was the smallest school I knew uh "excuse me" I pushed got pushed over and over again till I finally made it to the cafe. "silver silver over here" yelled kennel I pushed my way threw to her " you won't-"

kennel cut me off as quick as she could " I know it's the selité"

mortified I looked at kennel "but I thought they weren't coming back"

kennel the drama queen just rolled her eyes at me "they were only supposed to be gone for the summer remember I just really don't now what they're up too every summer and only coming back every first snow."

we stared at each other I opened my mouth to say something but I never got the chance too cause here comes the Selité the big bad wolfs

"Merde" I whispered.

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