Males Rape Victims Exist 2

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Male victims don't get the same treatment as female victims. The argumentative side believes that males aren't as affected as females simply because males should know how to compose their emotions and get over what they are dealing with and "handle it like a man". Males have emotions too and no one should ever deal with being a victim of rape and sexual assualt by themselves.

They aren't acknowledge in the slightest, especially when the topic of rape comes up they aren't even seen as the victim. Adrian W. Coxell and Michael B. King both reveal that a subject like this " Was first regonized by Sarell & Masters (1982) who stated that Failure of the health care professionals to recognise the possiblity that a man can be sexually assaulted has influenced research on the subject; there has been none." which means, around that time even nurses and doctors didn't even acknowledge the fact that male rape victims exist as well.

In addition to this, Adrian and Micheal also point out that when a couple of Kinsey investigators were questioned about male rape victims, they admitted that there were not any they were arware of and stated that "they had never asked a man if he had been sexually assaulted."

If male on male rape is such a big crime in prisons why doesn't anybody do anything about it and who's job is it to minimize this kind of crime?

Good question,  I'm glad you asked. The people who are supposed to investigate and study a specific crime are called criminologists. Criminologists figure the five W's which are : Who, What, Where, When, and Why? Criminologists still  have not come to the facts and reasoning as to why it keeps happening and how to put a stop to it.

Male rape victims existWhere stories live. Discover now