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We quickly looked over to see an angry short, fat man. "I KNEW I HEARD NOISE OUT HERE"

Quickly, we both got out and grabbed our towels along with our shoes. Rushing, we jumped over the gate and started running away, back home. After a few steps, we were a laughing and giggling mess. Seonghwa quickly dried himself off and put on his shirt while I quickly mirrored him. Once dry and fully clothed again, we looked at each other and burst into a fit of laughter once more.

"His face was hilarious!" I managed to say between wheezes.

Seonghwa cackled and clutched his stomach. "That was amazing I wish I would have gotten it on tape."

"As do I."

Eventually, we calmed down and started walking again. I held his hand in mine and smiled joyfully. Though today was tough and those bullies found me, hanging out with Seonghwa really made me smile again. It was incredible just how fast one person could change your life huh? We continued to talk and laugh on our way back. The walk seemed very short this time since we spoke to each other a lot more this time. I saw the familiar building pass us again until I saw the garden entrance. The smile lightly faded as I knew I would now have to go. Seonghwa saw the smile falter as well when we got back to the center of the garden with the fireflies out and the scene looking utterly beautiful. Weirdly enough, it looked prettier than the other two times we spoke at night.

"Thank you for taking me there Hwa. I had so much fun," I said with a giggle.

"Anytime, Sangie. Anything for you," he chuckled. "This was the most fun I've had in years."

Flashbacks of Wooyoung smacked me like a baseball bat but I quickly tried to brush it off. "I haven't had this much fun in years either. I hadn't laughed so hard for so long. Thank you again, Hwa."

He nodded and gently let go of my hand. "Well, I've got to go now. You should be heading home as well."

I nodded in agreement as I lightly let go of his hand. The only thing that disappointed me that night was the fact we never got to kiss. Though it was ok. I waved farewell and started walking back home. It was almost completely dark. The only thing lighting the streets being the occasional street lamp, the stars, and the full moon. It really calmed me down as I reflected on tonight's events. My legs were very sore from walking and swimming but it was ok. I got to my house and quietly walked in after unlocking the door. After relocking it, I sneaked upstairs and changed into my pajamas while throwing the rest in the laundry before I laid down in my bed, passing out instantly.

The next morning, I woke up and held my head. I felt extremely groggy that day and grumbled. My room was silent except for the humming noise from downstairs. Last night felt like a dream. My heart fluttered as I recalled the events and smiled. I made my way downstairs and saw my parents and sister. After saying good morning to all of them, I saw Mother grab a bottle and hand me 4 pills this time. I gave her a bewildered look.

"I know I have said I cared for you but this is just pushing it."

"Please Yeosang. Just take the pills and hopefully the headaches go away. The doctor said you should start taking these today."

I bit my cheek with frustration and reluctantly took the pills once again. A grumble escaped me while I drank the water.

"You'll feel better. I promise," Father said.

Both my parents nodded with concerned looks. They were trying their best so why not go along with it a little longer?

"I'm going to go hang out with the guys today."

"Alright, have fun," they both said in unison.

With a small smile and a roll of my eyes, I nodded and left the house, calling up Wooyoung.


"You and the rest able to hang out today?"

He sounded extremely excited to see me want to hang out instead of Wooyoung dragging me along for once.

"We were all actually wanting to go to the mall today!"

"Oh really? When?"

"Actually we were all on our way right now. Hurry hurry!"

I smiled and said goodbye before putting my phone away and stopping by the bus stop. After about three minutes of waiting, I got on the bus and rode to the mall. I got out and called Wooyoung where they were meeting up.

"We were planning on meeting up at Panda Express. You down?"

"Yeah. See you all there."

After hanging up, I walked to the food court and saw everyone I was meeting up with there. I jogged up to them and was greeted with a chorus of happy voices telling me it was great to see me again. This warmed my heart just a little. It was nice to feel wanted. We then turned to the menu and everyone got what they wanted. I ended up getting orange chicken. First off, it was famously good there. SECOND OFF: I love chicken more than anything else in life. Well, maybe not Seonghwa, but otherwise EVERYTHING ELSE.

I grabbed my food and sat down with the group. They all spoke amongst themselves. San was acting cute with Wooyoung but he quickly gave me a small apologetic look. I shook my head and gave him a reassuring look as if saying it was ok. He nodded gently and mouthed, "Thank you," before going back to being adorable with Wooyoung. I felt happy for them. Yes, it hurt. Yes, it stung. But I'd rather them be happy with each other than both feel depressed while separated.

Mingi and Yunho apparently announced that they were a couple as well. They were adorable together. Yunho was always a shy and blushy guy. Meanwhile, Mingi was confident and didn't hesitate to show his love for Yunho in public. The duo was perfect. Jongho seemed like a quieter guy but he seemed very close to Hongjoong. They both, in fact, seem to have a little bit of tension. I had a feeling that they would eventually get together.

Everyone was talking and having fun as quietly ate my chicken, thinking about last night. Things seemed to be looking up now. They felt like they were changing and for the better.

Illusion (Yeosang x Seonghwa/Seosang) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now