Day 3

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Yonghee: Yoooooong, I'm going out. Do you need something?

Sun: No...

Yonghee: Okay. Bye.

Sun: Buy me the-

The door shuts loud.

Sun: uuuugh~ I should go change and go out too.

Sun, scrolling through her contacts: Should I reunite with friends? Hmm... It's been a while though.

[Solar's Inbox]

Sun: Hey!

***: Waddup!!

Sun: Where are you?

***: Seoul. Are you here?

Sun: I am. Are you busy?

***: No. I'm bored. How about you?

Sun: Gosh. Same. Let's go out?

***: G! Where? What time?

Sun: Hmm... It's already 1:06 pm. Let's meet 3pm.

***: Let's try the new Milktea house in town?

Sun: I'm not into milkteas. I'm more of a coffee lover of some sort.

***: Dang. Good thing I am both. Let me take you to the best coffee shop in town.

Sun: Where is it?

***: Do you have in mind?

Sun: Moon Café. We went there yesterday.

***: Oh? Good choice! Moon Café it is.

Sun: Great. I wish my fave cake is available. Okay. I'm gonna go change. See you in a bit, Jinnie.

Hyejin: See you, Solarshi!

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