Chapter Four

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Raven was utterly exhausted as she stumbled over the threshold and into Damian's loft. It was inching towards three in the morning, her head was pounding, and every single detail she could possibly imagine had been given to the police three times over. She felt more than drained, she felt... beat down. She felt like everything she thought she had control over was disintegrating under her fingertips, and there was no chance at her ever having that control again.

She felt... helpless. Which sickened her.

Raven caught her reflection in a decorative mirror by the entry door, a spot on her face swollen and turning shades of red and purple. Embarrassment filled her, and she pulled up the hood of Damian's sweatshirt, trying to hide her face from him. She had never been all that vain before, but something about seeing herself like this, made her feel like she wasn't worthy of being looked at. Raven's chest tightened and she felt ridiculous. She should have been more aware of what was happening around her, of who might have been following her, of... of anything at all. But instead she let herself get jumped, lost all of her work, and had called Damian of all people.

Shame colored her cheeks and she glanced at Damian from underneath her eyelashes, watching him as he moved through the entryway. He was still bristling with anger, frustrated and upset that he hadn't been there to protect her. She still couldn't figure out why she had called him. She should have called the police, or 911, or literally anyone other than him. But, in that moment, her whole body frantic and her mind racing, she knew she wanted him. She wasn't sure why, but she knew that having him by her side would give her the strength she felt she had lost. She wanted his warm arms around her, to feel... protected again. Safe.

Of course... he was still her boss, and she had made an utter fool of herself, sobbing into his chest as he cooed at her in another language, smoothing her hair down her neck. She was never going to live this down. She would never let herself live this down.

"It's late."

Raven looked up, feeling like his voice was a hot knife cutting through the cool darkness against their skin. Swallowing, she briefly met his dark stare, before glancing away when it became too much of a burden on her heart.

"We'll go and get some clothes and other things from your apartment tomorrow morning. But for right now, I have a few things you can sleep in." His voice was too still and calm, like he was barely holding onto his own emotions, and it was unnerving. She wanted him to be as angry and frustrated as she felt, and to lash out in a way she didn't feel like she had the authority to. She didn't know how he could stay so calm when she wanted to be upset.

Raven watched as his eyes met her own for another brief moment, before they swept down her body, landing on her legs. Her stockings were torn, holes and runs ripping up and down her legs when she had fallen onto the pavement. She had a few scrapes and bruises that the hospital didn't think it was necessary to treat, but one of them had started to bleed again. All in all, Raven was sure she looked like a complete and utter mess right now. No wonder he was annoyed with her. She shifted in her heels and glanced away, pushing at her hair..

"Don't do that."

Raven blinked and looked back at Damian, trying to decipher the weight in his voice.

"Don't look away from me, Raven." He reached out and cupped her cheek with a feather-light touch, his eyes searching hers. "I can feel you try and pull away, and I don't want you to. This isn't your fault. Don't ever think that this was something you had control over. This is nothing to be ashamed of. You were attacked by some fucking asshole who thought he could have what isn't his. This... this isn't your fault."

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