Chapter Six

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It felt like she had been here for three weeks. This had been her fourth trip to the precinct, but this one had been longer than the others. She'd come in for another round of questioning, and while she wasn't a suspect for the theft of money from Wayne Industries, her knowledge about the moving funds had been invaluable while the detectives were putting together their case. And, at least she trusted this detective.

Dick gave her a thin smile before turning back to the stack of papers in front of him, reviewing his notes during their previous questioning.

Raven felt Damian's hand rest heavy on her thigh, warmth and comfort spilling from his touch. She found her heart turning over, and she wanted to lean into him, if only to keep herself together. He sat next to her, and offered her strength when she was fighting to keep herself together. Damian had been with her through every step of the questioning and the preliminary investigation, and not once had he left her side. He was... there. And he was there for her, helping her through the very tough questions, holding her hand when she needed it, and just supporting her. And not once had she wanted him to leave.

The weight of their last conversation settled over her for the hundredth time that night, and it kept echoing in the back of her mind. Damian wanted to date her - seriously - and she didn't really know what to say to that. On one hand, she knew that she wasn't CEO-girlfriend material, but on the other hand... she liked Damian. A lot. A lot more than she thought she ever would. Damian was kind and gentle, and he looked out for her. He trusted her with some of his biggest secrets, and Raven felt like she could be herself around him. She wanted to date him, she just didn't know if she could.

She glanced over at Damian, as his hand tightened on her knee, flushing slightly before looking back into Dick's face as he flipped through the notes on the case. Her head was starting to hurt again, and Damian reached over the desk to flick the light off. The pain in her head eased a little, and his thumb rubbed circles over her knee.

Dick glanced up at Damian, and his stare flicked between the two of them before looking back at his work. He said nothing, but there was something in the way he lifted his eyebrow that spoke volumes about the exchange. Raven tried to feel embarrassed, but she couldn't find it in her. What was there to be embarrassed about? Damian was taking care of her, and for once it felt good to have someone next to her. She watched a smirk pull at Dick's mouth as he flicked through papers.

"Thank you again for the information you've provided on your research with the corporate theft at Wayne Industries. That helps a lot." Dick flicked through a few papers. "We had been following money getting funneled into the Black Mask organization, but we weren't able to get to the source of where the money was coming from. With what information we have and what information you have provided us from your own investigation, we have a solid case against Steven." Dick smiled at Raven and leaned back in his chair. "I always knew you were the smarter one between you and Timbo."

Raven flushed at the compliment. "I mean... I am an investigative accountant. My job is to investigate."

Dick laughed. "Yeah, yeah. I know." He pressed his hands to the top of the desk and his smile turned soft. "I do appreciate all the work you did. You really have managed to save Bruce's company and Dami's reputation. I'm impressed."

"My reputation was never at risk." Damian huffed out a soft curse and shook his head. "Are we able to go back to her apartment?"

Dick shook his head. "It's still a crime scene... technically. And we don't know who knew about Steven and what he was doing. His connection with the organization isn't entirely clear yet, only that he was deeply involved in procuring funds. Based on his previous jobs... this is something he's been doing for a while."

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