part 1

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Planned on waiting. But holy crap joker was the only one having a vote.

Y/n looks for any sign of jokers gang. He found an abandoned looking warehouse. On it was spray painted madhouse.

He looked and around and saw spray on a door saying new recruits knock here. Y/n did just that. A man looked through the viewing slot and then opened the door.

?: Get in quickly.

Y/n entered and followed the man.

?: Name?

Y/n: Y/n L/n.

?: Alright. Be happy. If you would have joined yesterday you would have died. Joker is like that sometimes.

Y/n: Lucky me.

?: Anyway. Go to the armory and grab a mask. I'll let them know about you. 

Y/n looked and saw an armory sign. He walked through looking at the colorful decor. 

He found the armory and grabbed one of the masks. 

He then left to have a look around. He found what looked like a fight pit. He saw two people fighting a crowd watching.   He watched the fight.

The fight ended and the fighters left.     Another appeared.

?: Where's the new guy! I want to see what he's got!

Y/n in head: I might as well prove myself.

Y/n jumped down and put his mask to the side

?: I'm going to kick you're ass new guy.

Y/n didn't let the guy get to him. He stayed there calmed and collected. Like his dad taught him.

The man charged at him, he went for a punch to the face only to be dodged.  Y/n delivered a punch to the gut in return making the man step back. 

?: How did you do that!?

The man continued to try and attack with a flurry of punches each being dodged. Y/n ended it with a punch to the throat making the guy fall down gasping for air.  The crowd cheered. 

Y/n walked  away and found a bar area. He sat down to relax for a minute.

?: Hey new guy!

Y/n looked to see a  man standing there.

?: Come on. We're robbing a stash house belonging to penquin.

Y/n: Okay.

?: And be on you're best behavior, we are having Harley with us.

Y/n: Alright.

?: Grab a pistol from the armory. It's all you get until we get back. Meet us at the garage. 

Y/n did as he was told. Grabbing a m9 pistol and going  to the garage.  He found Harley and knew that was where he was supposed to go.

He hopped in one of the vans driving to the storehouse. The ride was quiet but they arrived at their destination.

The vans of goons emptied getting ready to go in.

Harley: Listen up bozos! We go in and take as much as we can.

Joker goon: What about penguin's goons?

Harley: If they get in our way, kill them.   Now shut up and let's get a move on!

Everyone was ready at the doors. The doors were kicked in catching the goons inside by surprise. A firefight began Y/n being at a disadvantage only having a pistol.

Y/n was behind cover blind firing not even sure if he was hitting anything close to an enemy.  But he continued firing anyway.

Eventually a penquin goon tried to snap around the corner at Y/n. Y/n with pure reflex shot the goon in the head.

Y/n looked in shock at what he just did.  He looked at his gun.

Y/n: Be strong. 

Y/n kept going. The crew eventually made it into the store room. The group started bagging  the money in the store room.   Once the bags were filled they booked it. 

Joker goon: We still have a group pinned down!

Joker goon 2: Leave them. Their cut will go to the rest of us!

Harley: Don't care! If you fall too far behind you'll be left anyway!

Y/n looked at the pinned down group.  He had a choice to make.

( this is where stats come into play. Money affects what you can buy and can improve you're living conditions. Loyalty  affects how the crew you're with will work with you. Higher loyalty means more will trust you and take orders from you

For female villains and female heroes. There is romance. This can affect who you're with during and at the end of this story. 

Trust is gained from helping heroes and villains.  Each having their own special effects. For example. A potential reward for Joker is immunity from his happy gas.

Now it is time for the choice.

1: leave the pinned crew. Reward=more cash 2000$

2: Save the pinned crew. Reward=increased loyalty by 5

Current situation

Money: 1000 dollars  rent=500.

Joker gang loyalty: current=1

Joker trust: 0

Harley Quinn. trust=0 romance=0

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