The Calm

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Bucky came back to his hut after getting food only to find his loyal dog laid out on his bed. Bucky could only look at her with a dispaned look, "Really?" He asked his sleeping dog who only twitch her floppy ear, not giving him the respect enough to wake up and greet him. Bucky stepped over her putting the food down, he looked over his shoulder to check and see if she woke up, of course she didn't. Bucky slowly opened the bag as to not make a sound, Ramona ear twitched again, but she still didn't wake. Bucky smiled when he put his food on a plate, it wasn't long before he heard his big stumbling dog raise up to her paws shaking her body then coming over to smell the food. She sat down beside him, with half open eyes licking her lips while eyeing the smell good. "Oh, now you wake up. Not for me, but for the food, I feel used." Bucky said while eating in his little girl face. 

Ramona grunt as he continue to eat, she let out a yawn as she continue to just watch him with intense stare. Bucky only ate slowly ignoring his dogs multicolored eyes that was eyeing his morsel. Bucky finished his meal, then begin cleaning, Ramona nudged his leg with a whine. "What?" He asked. Ramona let her tongue hang out as she wag her tail, she spin around in circles then sitting. Bucky chuckled as he gave in, "Ok, fine. Here's your lunch greedy." He said. Bucky begin to fill her bowel with her food, Ramona licked her lips ready for her meal. Bucky tuned around holding the bowel, standing in front of his little girl, "Ok girl. You know the drill." He said before giving her multiple commands. 

Bucky like to re-enforce her training, he wanted her to stay sharp, not only in her body but mostly her mind. Shuri still couldn't find what that crazy vet did to her all those years ago, Bucky was always worried about her mental health so he like to teach her new things. When Bucky was done giving her commands he put down her bowel so she can eat, Ramona laid down ignoring the bowel only continuing to give him her complete attention. "Ok, girl." Bucky said. Ramona dig right in once she was release. Bucky sigh as he watched her, he couldn't help but to be concern about her, she was all he had left other then Steve from his past. They've been through hell and back together, Bucky bend down to pet her while she eat. Ramona lifted her head licking her lips before going back to what was important, Bucky chuckled as he continue to pet her, he rub her head felling the scars. "Good girl." He said softly as he fingered the scars on her head.

Bucky stood up, so he can finish his afternoon chores outside. Ramona lifted her head up watching him leave, she then perked her ears as she heard the familiar voices coming their way. She ran out of the hut seeing Bucky cleaning around their home, she smelt the air when the wind picked up. Ramona wagged her tail as she ran to meet the King who was heading their way along with Okoye, Bucky paused as he watched her run he looked over spotting the King of Wakanda along with his subjects. He grew curious as to why, he slowly walked to meet them half way, allowing his dog be the welcoming wagon.

T'Challa and Okoye were having a discussion, knowing somewhere around them a colorful beast will greet them. "The Kingsguard and the Dora Milaje have been alerted." Okoye said to her King, she begin to look around staying on guard, T'Challa followed suit also staying guarded, "And the Border tribe?" T'Challa asked as he walked along the vast land. "Those that are left." Okoye answered. "Send word to the Jabari as well." T'Challa commanded. Okoye looked at her kIng in surprise, "M'Baku likes a good fight." The King said with a smirk, he looked ahead of him spotting his favorite beast heading their way in full speed with her tongue hanging out, "And what of this one?" Okoye asked. Ramona made it to them jumping on the King chest licking his face with excitement. T'Challa pushed her gently off of him making the dog run in circles around them, Okoye put her hand up when Ramona tried to give her some love. "Not today girl." She said.

Ramona ran ahead of them looking back every so often as she lead them to her home, all the while wagging her crocked tail. The group spotted Bucky as he moved around the last of the hay,  "This one may be tired of war. But the White Wolf has rested long enough" T'Challa answered his General while eyeing Bucky Barnes. "On top of that, we also have Ramona on our side." T'Challa finished with a small smile as he now eyed the duo that will help fight off their biggest threat. Bucky greeted his dog when she ran to him, he walked over to the King and his subjects, one of T'Challa men put down what look like a suit case. He eyed the improve arm inside of it, Ramona sniffed the arm in wonder. Bucky moved her head gently away as he looked at the nice looking attachment, "Where's the fight?" He asked. "On it's way." T'Challa answered.

Bucky swallowed in relief once his new arm was attached to his body. "Ok, all done." Shuri said while taking off her gloves. Bucky sat up from the table moving his new attachment, "How does it feel?" Shuri asked with a prideful smile. "Amazing." He said as he moved around his new attachment, "It's much lighter then the old one." Bucky commented. Shuri laugh as she walked to her computer, putting in the data, "Of course, it's more equal to the rest of your body. The material from the 40's was much to heavy. I just made it better." Shuri said. Bucky rolled his eyes at the young scientist, he turned to his favorite girl with a smile, "What do you think girl?" He asked. Ramona paused in her chewing of the new toy that Shuri made for her, only for her to go back to see if she can destroy this one. Bucky rolled his eyes at the giant pup, "Dogs." He mumbled. "Sargent Barnes, let's do more testing. I want to make sure we don't need to adjust anything." Shuri called out to him. "Yes Ma'am." Bucky whined. When Shuri was content on his new arm she smiled to her friend, "You are ready for war Sargent Barnes." She said to him.

Bucky nod his head, he then looked to his dog who seem very irritated that Shuri actually made a toy strong enough to withstand her jaws, "What about Ramona?" He asked. Ramona lifted her head hearing her name thinking her Bucky was calling out to her, "Don't worry Mr. Barnes. I have her covered of course. Her collar is like my brotha suit, it will go on automatically during the fight. She will be protected." Shuri reassured. Bucky let out a sigh of relief, he walked over bending down to Ramona level, Ramona dropped the toy, crawling over to him resting her head on her chest. Bucky rub her head with both of his hands, "What do you say girl. We ready for this once again?" Bucky asked. Ramona licked his face sitting down while putting her paw on his forearm. Shuri smiled down at them, she couldn't believe she was alive to see the two together, of course she read in her history books about them, but seeing them here and not in pictures was something Shuri will cherish.

A/N: Welcome back everyone! I know it's been so long but we are here for this long journey. I hope you all are ready because I know I am. Thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting, it's because of you this have been such a lovely journey.

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