Umineko/Golden Lovers

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Everything was silent. Only silent seagulls cries were heard around. Of course. Family conference already ended. Two figures were chatting by the old submarine base under Rokkenjima.

“Where am I……?” 

{We’re in the old submarine base. Do you remember?” 

“Its where it all began for us, right?” 

{She made a long cackle and spoke”That’s right! Two generations ago we met on this very spot!}

“So its like were going on our first date all over again? Sounds romantic if you say it like that!”

The typhoon had passed, the cry’s of the seagulls were heard all around through the ruined base. they bounced off the walls of the  base and deeper into the cave.Beatrice had removed a sheet that she left over a small boat. In it was an abnormally shiny object, it was a golden ingot.

{I don’t know how much it’s worth but I bet its a lot! Take it and finally leave this island.}

“What about you? 

{I cannot leave. I am the master of the Golden Land. If i leave who will care for it? I must stay.}

For a brief moment they were both silent, not even the seagulls or the splashing of the glistening blue water disturbed them. Battler…was the one who broke that silence between the two.

“Then I’ll take you back as a souvenir.”

{L-let go…!}

“Enough screaming. Listen care fully, Beato.”


“I’m going to kid nap you.”


She could not leave, after countless sins, could she really live in the unforgiving world out side the cat box? A being damned to hell for killing so many in countless worlds…can never truly ‘Live’. For those sins will one day creep up to her from the back of her mind. Death after death, tear after tear. Could her countless sins really be forgiven?

“If you have sinned. Then it is my sin as well for making you do it. Please…allow me to carry that cross with you.”


“Let’s leave the Golden Land. Don’t look back. There is no need. Let’s go.”

Tears streamed down from Beatrice’s face. She was not forgiven but she was not alone either. As battler placed her softly on the boat, still with a smile. He turned the boats ropes that tied it to the island. The ropes were the last thing connecting that boat to the Island.Battler had guided the boat farm off Rokkenjima’s shore. The wind split through his hair, and took his jacket along with it. He didn’t even care. He only watched as it left him. 

{Will….I be able to live…..?}

“You will. I promise it.”

{Will I… able to live?}


{Your world is filled with light… Would it truly except some one like me? It won’t i’m sure of it…}

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2012 ⏰

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