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*Y/n's POV*
20 or 30 minutes later we heard two car doors slam  I suddenly felt worried and started to wonder if Tyler's girlfriend would like me then the front door opened Tyler walked in first then a girl walked in after him she had a friendly smile on her face
Wildcat:Y/n this is my girlfriend Kelly
She smiled and walked over to me
Kelly:Hi Y/n it's so nice to meet you
Y/n:Hello Kelly it's nice to m-meet you too
We shook hands
Kelly:Tyler told me all about you guys when you two were kids
Y/n:Yeah unfortunately we were separated at the age of Eight and Nine
Kelly:Aww sweetie I'm sorry but you guys are together now!
I smiled and nodded
Wildcat:Babe you can go put your things in my room
He then told her where his room was she left to go upstairs to Tyler's room
I sighed in relief
Y/n:I was honestly worried and I thought she wouldn't like me
He chuckled
Wildcat:on the way back here from the airport she couldn't stop talking about how excited she was to meet you
I said with hope laced in my voice
He smiled and nodded
Kelly:hey Y/n come here!
I walked up the stairs and into Tyler's room her suitcase was opened she then handed me a beautiful seashell necklace I gasped
Y/n:thank you Kelly
I said and smiled she helped put it on and smiled
Y/n:I figured since I'm meeting my boyfriends sister I should get her a gift
Y/n:thank you it's beautiful I love it
She smiled and hugged me I hugged back of course
Kelly:Hey do you wanna go shopping at the mall tomorrow?
Kelly:great Myself,Tyler and you can have breakfast either here or out somewhere then we both can go shopping later on while Tyler does his own thing
She nodded as we walked downstairs
Y/n:so how did you meet Tyler?
And she explained how they met and stuff I found them help but 'Awww' at the cute parts
Kelly:And now we're here so yeah
She said with a nervous smile then it turned into a very happy smile
Kelly:this is the happiest I've ever been your brother makes me happy...I love him
She said as she slowed down I slowed down as well and smiled
Y/n:When's the wedding?
I joked she laughed
Kelly:Not now but hopefully one day
She said with a smile I nodded
We then got back downstairs into the living room To see Brian and Tyler talking

*While Y/n and Kelly were upstairs*
*Terroriser's POV*
The girls are upstairs I was on my phone scrolling through Instagram when Tyler whispered to me
Wildcat:Hey Brian
I looked up and he grabbed my arm and led me to the backyard which had a pool and hot tub he looked at the house and sighed nervously he faced away from the house and pulled a velvet red box and opened it to reveal a beautiful ring I gasped and put my hand on my chest dramatically
Terroriser:Aww Tyler yes I will marry you!
He hit my chest and laughed
Wildcat:It's not an engagement ring and it's not for you dumb ass
I laughed and he smiled and shook his head
Wildcat:It's a promise ring for Kelly I just want to give it to her but I'm not sure when's a good time to
Terroriser:You can bring her out on a date then whenever you want you can tell her how much she means to you, how much you love her and all that lovey shit you want to tell her then give the promise ring to her
He smiled and nodded
Wildcat:Thanks dude
I nodded then the girls came down the stairs giggling
Wildcat:Glad to see you two getting along
They both smiled and nodded
Kelly:Y/n and I are gonna go shopping at the mall tomorrow
Wildcat:that's great!
Y/n:Yeah we were also thinking that we could have breakfast then me and Kelly could go to the mall afterwards while you do anything you need to or want to do
Wildcat:Sure I'd probably just come home record and upload a video then go to the gym
He said and shrugged
Terroriser:hey can I come with you to the gym?
Wildcat:Of course man
I smiled and he patted my back
Kelly:Should we go to the movie theater tonight?
Wildcat:If you guys want to then yeah
Kelly:Let's go to the movie theater then
Y/n looked at me
Y/n:Do you wanna come with us love?
I said and shrugged and smiled a bit she smiled and nodded
Y/n:I'm gonna go get my shoes on and grab my jacket
She then jogged upstairs Kelly looked at me
Kelly:Are you and Y/n together?!
She asked excited I smiled and nodded
Terroriser:We got together about a day ago
She gasped and squealed
Kelly:I bet you two are an amazing couple
Wildcat:They are in my opinion
He said and laughed a little she smiled
Y/n walked down the stairs with her shoes on and her jacket on
Y/n:Are we riding together in one car? Or taking separate cars
Wildcat:Separate cars mine only has two seats
Y/n:Alright I'll ride with Brian then
She said and smiled at me I smiled and nodded
Terroriser:Lets go then babygirl
I walked over to her and wrapped my arm around her back escorting her out of the door I heard a quiet 'Aww' from Kelly I smiled Then Y/n and I walked to my car and Tyler and Kelly walked to Tyler's car
We got in our cars Y/n put her seat belt on and I put mine on as well I started the car and drove us to the movie theater

A/N:Hi guys, I know I'm so slow and late on uploading but I've been super busy lately and it's just hard to even have time to write
But I'm hoping that soon I'll have more free time to write and upload:)
I hope you understand!! That's all I wanted to say Bye! :)

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