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*Terroriser's POV*
Tyler and I arrived to the gym in my car the girls Y/n and Kelly had gone to the mall to shop in Tyler's car
We walked in and then started to do our workouts
Wildcat:So any idea on any good place I could bring Kelly out to dinner? I want to bring her to a nice restaurant
Terroriser:No sorry man
He nodded and continued to work out I then came up with an idea
Terroriser:Where did you two go for dinner for your first date?
Wildcat:it was Linda's famous restaurant
(Some random named restaurant NOT REAL)
Terroriser:Then you could bring her there
Wildcat:Okay thanks man
I nodded and lifted some weights
Terroriser:Hey man I wanna say thanks again for being so supportive and accepting of Y/n and I's relationship
Wildcat:You're welcome Dude if she's happy then I'm happy and it makes me feel relieved knowing that she has somebody who'll love her no matter what and protect her and make her happy
I smiled
Terroriser:It's only been a few days but I'm really happy with her and Yeah I'd protect her no matter what and I'll always love her
He smiled
Wildcat:You're a great guy for my sister Brian
I smiled
Terroriser:I hope I am because I know she's the one
He smiled and nodded then we started to talk about our YouTube career and our childhoods and such

*Y/n's POV*
Me and Kelly were walking around the mall talking about our childhoods also how our lives were in elementary, middle school and high school
She stopped as she looked into the makeup store there were two girls purchasing some things and she sighed sadly
Kelly:I wish I was beautiful as them
She turned to me I stopped and made her look at me
Y/n:You are beautiful just the way you are I know it everyone knows it especially Tyler he loves you I can tell already I've only seen you two together for two days but I know that he loves you and loves everything about you
She smiled a little
Y/n:Don't you ever think that you are any less beautiful then any other female you're beautiful in your own way
She smiled and I smiled then hugged her
Kelly:Thank you Y/n
Y/n:No problem
We continued walking around we then looked in a clothing store and tried on some things laughing occasionally at how we were being silly
After a while we became hungry so we walked over to the food court in the mall and had some lunch

*Time Skip*
We arrived home to see the boys sleeping laying on two different couches sleeping we smiled and I walked over to Brian I lightly kissed his face he groaned I giggled
Y/n:Baby come on let's go to bed
He sat up and tiredly walked with me to my room
Kelly and Tyler walked to Tyler's room he was also tiredly walking we got into my room he immediately laid down on my bed getting under the covers I closed the door gently and then took my shoes off and grabbed some light grey sweatpants and a black tank top I walked into my bathroom and closed the door locking it I took my makeup off and then changed into the sweatpants and tank top I took my hair down and walked out and laid down beside Brian getting under the covers he faced me and smiled
Terroriser:How was your day beautiful?
He said in a husky tone that sent shivers up my spine
I smiled
Y/n:it was good love How about yours?
Terroriser:Mine was good as well
I nodded in understanding he smiled
Terroriser:Tyler is going to give Kelly a promise ring
I gasped and he shushed me
Terroriser:it's a surprise for her so don't tell her you know okay?
Y/n:Okay babe
Terroriser:Thank you baby
I smiled and kissed his nose he smiled then pulled me closer into a passionate kiss I kissed back he then smiled and pulled away
Terroriser:You mean so much to me babygirl
Y/n:You mean a lot to me hon I'm so lucky to have you
He smiled and I laid my head on his chest and he started to play with my hair it relaxed me and I soon drifted off to sleep

*Terroriser's POV*
Y/n had fallen asleep I smiled and lightly kissed her forehead I grabbed my phone and decided to go on Instagram I took a picture of us cuddling not showing Y/n's face and posted it on my Instagram
Terroriser:Cuddles with her are the best❤️
I smiled and put my phone on the nightstand and fixed myself into a more comfortable position and drifted off into sleep

*The next morning* {Still Terroriser's POV}
I woke up earlier then Y/n she had faced the other way I grabbed my phone and checked my social media's and everyone commented on my post of y/n and I they asked who she was and fan girling about me having a girlfriend and such
I smiled and shook my head and then Y/n woke up
Y/n:morning love
She said tiredly I kissed her cheek and she smiled
Terroriser:Good morning beautiful
She checked her social media's and gasped
Y/n:you took a picture last night?!
Terroriser:Is that...not okay?
I asked worried she shook her head
Y/n:No no no it's fine! I just didn't think you would so soon
Terroriser:Well I wanted the world to know I'm not available because I'm with the most amazing girl ever
Her cheeks then were tinted pink and she smiled
Y/n:So are we going to go public now?
Terroriser:Only is you want to and only if you're comfortable with it
She smiled and nodded I smiled and kissed her she kissed back with a smile

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