**TWS ~ Bulimia & slight swearing... again**
I wake up, expecting it to be the same day as usual, but nope. I wake up, and I'm in the arms of sleep. Oh. My. God. WhAT? I'm COnfUSeD- Wait, oh. yeah. that. I try to get out of his arms, but He just adjusts his position and grips me tighter. AaaAAAaaAaaAAaAAaAAaAaaAH- DAMN. By now, I'm probably as red as a cherry. I look at the sleeping male holding onto me. He's really cute when he sleeps- wait what? Haha... totally didn't just think that or anything... ahaha...
I mean, it's pretty warm here, so like, I guess I could sleep for a little longer. How did he even fall asleep last night, he was drinking coffee directly before he came up here with me. Ya know what, I'm not even gonna ask. I snuggle back into him and I go back to sleep.
I wake up for the second time today and find myself alone and cold. I sit up and get ready for the day. I look at my clock, 9:30. Yep, probably the last one up. I put on my hoodie and do my makeup for the day. As soon as my hoodie is thrown up on top of the mop that is my hair, I'm out the door and headed downstairs.
After sitting at my usual spot, not feeling tired for once, I get my food and binge what I want, aiming to repeat what I did yesterday, but this time without passing out. Today, happily, we don't have to record, so if I do pass out, I won't cause anyone to wait for me.
**Remy's POV**
Something is not right with Virgil, he got his sleep, but it's something else as well, and I can't put my finger on it, and it's annoying the shit out of me. I want to help him I really do! But I can't help him if I don't know what to help with. I'm going to find out, and when I do, I'm going to help him with it.
I can't tell if I love him, or if this is a friendship thing. But I mean, Valentine's day is tomorrow, so maybe I could see..? I sigh to myself. Emotions are confusing. Right now is not the time to mope to myself about feelings, I should be contributing to the ongoing conversation on if WW3 is going to happen or not.
**Time skip to after breakfast**
I approach Virgil and attempt to start a conversation with him, but he just suddenly had to go, he did that yesterday at the same time, wait... Having to leave directly after eating breakfast, passing out, low iron- I think I know what's happening now.
**Virgil's POV**
I repeat the actions from yesterday, but this time succeed in not passing out, although I nearly did. I brush my teeth and use mouthwash to get the acid smell out of my breath. It really is a horrid smell. I hate it, that's why I try so hard to get it out in the first place, so nobody has to smell it, and I'd be embarrassed but like, that doesn't really matter right now.
Remy strikes up a conversation with me and we soon get into a deep conversation on whether or not aliens are going to invade earth. I've never noticed how he somewhat speaks like Logan when he's really interested or focused in something. It really shows his true colors, and by that, I mean he's a nerd, but I like that about him.
Over the rest of the day, we really bond a lot. We talk about our interests; turns out we have a lot more in common than we thought! A lot of other things were talked about and bonded over, but it was really just a fun day in general. But tomorrow. Tomorrow is Valentine's day, aka, my least favorite day of the year. Everyone had s/o's, and is just like "Oh! Look what my boyfriend bought me" "Oh! Boyfriend this, girlfriend that" It just plain irks me because I'm such a single bitc-
Remy had decided to stay over another day, which none if us protested, because we rarely saw him. He's the seldom-seen side, he's basically a god in our culture, heh, that doesn't even really make sense, but I'm going to say it anyways.
**Another lovely time skip brought to you by Remy's Starbucks**
I sigh and open my eyes. Valentine's day. Perfect. I'm skipping breakfast, I don't feel like it today. Another year alone I guess.
**Roman's POV**
I wait for Virgil to join us at Breakfast, but he never came. I spot him and conjure up a bouquet of white lilies behind my back, along with a box of heart-shaped chocolates.
**Damn author, calm down with the POV changes ~ nobody's POV**
Both Remy and Roman walked up to Virgil at the same time: Roman with white lilies and box of heart-shaped chocolates, and Remy with Black and purple dyed roses and a box of Ferrero Rocher. As they both approached him, almost like they were mirroring each-other, they pulled out the chocolates and flowers,
"Will you be my Valentine?"
(Oof sorry for the cliffhanger and constant POV changes)
**883 words**
Surprise surprise! (Sleepxiety)
FanfictionAnxiety has never been more, well, anxious, and when the oldest side comes for a visit, he can tell it's going to be a long ride. **TWS ~ BULIMIA, INSOMNIA, FLUFF, SELF-HATE**