Chapter 8

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Since this is a short chapter, I'll publish this now and the other later tonight.


Later that same day...

The school day just ended. Y/N is packing his stuff as fast as he can so he can avoid Hyewon and Hyunjin, but he's not as fast as he think he is.

"Hey want to go home together?" Hyewon stood facing the boy while nervously waiting for his answer.

'Darn it, this girl is fast.' Y/N thought before looking back at the girl's face and answering "Sure, let's go." He wasn't really sure why he agreed to it, it would just get awkward because of his recent actions towards them.

Both of them walk quietly to the bus stop. While waiting for the bus, Hyewon thought about asking Y/N about why he's been avoiding all of them. Of course while being as low-key as possible so she doesn't make him much more uncomfortable.

"Hey why you didn't join us for lunch these last few days?" Hyewon finally start the conversation. "Um.. nothing, just during lunch I need to help Mr. Hong with something.

"Ohh, it's just Wonyoung has been asking about you a lot lately. She's your baby after all." Hyewon jokes. "My baby? Hahahaha yeah I guess sometimes I do baby her.

Watching Y/N laugh is definitely a breakthrough for Hyewon. She should keep digging but carefully.

"Did Yena told you guys anything?" Y/N asked Hyewon while looking at the ground beneath him. "She told us on Sunday you guys went out, that's all." Hyewon tried answering his question without any hint of nervousness.

"I see...Hyewon I-" Suddenly the bus arrives interrupting whatever Y/N was trying to say to Hyewon. As they get on the bus they're separated. The bus was crowded so Y/N was pushed to the back while Hyewon was stuck in the front.

When they arrived at their stop, Hyewon thought about asking Y/N what was he trying to say before the bus arrived. But to her surprise, he already walking far away from her heading home first.

"What is the thing you're trying to hide Son Y/N." Hyewon muttered to herself before also heading home.


The next day...

"Heyyyy Mr. Hong Ki our most lovable teacher in this whole school." Hyunjin playfully chat with his homeroom teacher. "Yes Hyunjin what do you need?" The older gentleman asked him.

It's currently lunchtime and Hyunjin thought he should ask Mr. Hong about Y/N. It's bad digging into someone else's secret. If Y/N didn't open up about it in the first place it must've mean he doesn't want anybody to find out.

But of course they want to find out about it because they just want their friend back.

"Do you know why Y/N transferred here?" Hyunjin asked the million dollar question. "Y/N? Oh he didn't really said his exact reason for transferring here. Mrs. Soyou at the office told me it's just because he wants to start over." Mr. Hong answered the question.

It wasn't the answer that Hyunjin really wanted to hear but at least he tried right? Now he just need to report back to the gang.


"Andddd I got nothing. Sorry." Hyunjin said to the gang.
"He didn't really tell them his reason." All of them are disappointed. But Hyewon didn't really want to give up just yet, she thought she should try it one more time.

The same time at the rooftop of the school building...

Y/N is enjoying the view from up here. Of course he's not just staring emptily. 'Should I tell them? Can I trust them to not judge me on the spot? Will they listen to me?' These are just some of the things that was floating inside of his head.

He felt guilty for suddenly ignoring them, he really does. All of this probably is easy for someone else to open up and confess but not for him.

'Will they trust me? What if all of them will hate me after they know about it? Will they leave me?' "Argh damn it all of this thoughts are killing me!" He finally let out a shout instead of just being quiet, thankfully nobody is nearby.

"I can't let that happen again." He tried to calm himself before heading back to class.


Guys can we talk about AYAYAYA?

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