Chapter 16

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Y/N and Hyunjin are sitting down at a table outside of a convenience store. They can see Jin Woo paying for 3 can of sodas before coming out of the store.

"Here. Press it against your bruises, it'll help." He placed the cans in the middle of the table before the other two grabs one.

Jin Woo sits down on an empty chair. You don't even have to be there to feel the awkwardness that the three of them are feeling right now.

"It looks like you have some things to discuss so I'll be going first." Hyunjin tried to leave but was stopped immediately by Jin Woo.

"No please, just sit for a while." Jin Woo gave Hyunjin a pleading look. Hyunjin not sure what to do, looks at Y/N's face only to receive a nod from his friend signalling for him to sit back down.

"Alright... I don't want to wait any longer." Jin Woo looks at Y/N right in his eyes. "I'm sorry... It was stupid of me to just believed what they say and not listening to you." He added.

"After what you said when we met at the mall, I started to have doubts for Miya and Jun. I also noticed that both of them has been meeting behind my back."

"Turns out she was cheating on me with Jun. I caught them when they were doing things. I questioned everything that I can at the time. One of the questions was did you really touched her on that day."

If earlier Jin Woo didn't grab Y/N's attention, he definitely did now. Y/N seems to be paying his full attention to Jin Woo right now.

"Of course, she didn't admit it at first but after pushing and pressuring her more she finally said it. You didn't touched her, she only said that because she didn't want you to be near me." Regret and sadness can be seen on Jin Woo's face.

"She just felt that you're a nuisance to our relationship and she felt that our group will be better without you."

Both Y/N and Jin Woo just stared at each other after what Jin Woo just said. But the real victim at this moment is Hyunjin. He had to be in the middle of this confrontation, it was awkward as hell and he just wants to go home and sleep.

"I broke up with her right after that. I'm sorry, you had to go through all of that just because of her petty reasons and my stubbornness."

Jin Woo stands up from his chair and did a 90 degree bow to Y/N.

"Again I'm sorry for everything. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness after what I did to you. If you want to punch me back for what I've done to you, you have my permission to do so." Jin Woo said while still bowing.

"Jin Woo please lift up your head." Y/N said to his old friend. Jin Woo lift up his head and is surprised when he sees Y/N is smiling right now.

Hyunjin seeing his friend smiled like that thought in his head. 'As expected of Y/N, he's a good guy. He forgive his mistakes just like that.'

That's what Hyunjin thought just before witnessing Y/N throw a punch to Jin Woo's face. "Shit!!" Was all He can say when he saw Jin Woo took a few steps back after being punched by Y/N.

"And with that punch, Jin Woo I forgive you." Y/N said before bursting out laughing. "Consider we're even now after that punch."

After wiping a small amount of blood from the corner of his mouth, Jin Woo also burst out laughing.

'Ah both of them definitely short circuited somewhere in their heads.' Hyunjin thought while watching both boys in front of him laugh like maniacs.

"I acknowledge you buddy, took guts to admit your mistakes there." Y/N stopped laughing and smiles at Jin Woo.

"It took even more for you to forgave me. Thank You." They finally hug each other after what looked like they were going to start another fight.

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