From Mikayla

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(~Not my poem!~ As a response to my poem for her, she wrote one for me, including a cute, weird, and kind note back. Here they are.)
(This was written about 1 1/2 months after we became friends, and about a week later we became closer.)

··A Sad Poem For Zoe...··

I'm sorry that you're hurt

I'm sorry you feel alone...

Just remember you have me

and you're NOT on your own.

Everybody fights wars, inside and out,

No matter how big or small.

Yours may be bigger than someones,

or to another, not really big at all.

Your heart is pure, it's filled with light,

but your eyes are filled with sad.

You fake a smile with all your might,

when the truth is, you feel bad.

Though you put up a shield,

and try to hide your true self,

behind your shield, you're lost,

you search for someone who understands

and in return find no-one at all.

You put your faith in ugly hearts

and hope they'll be your savior.

And those who have your back,

you accuse with false accusations.

I hope you realize who's there for you,

and who is really a facade.

If you don't stop pushing away people,

you'll end up a grenade.

I haven't been there for you

as much as I said I would.

But you can't always count on me

to help you to adulthood.

The world is cruel and highly unfair

but don't worry because

as long as we're together

we can go Anywhere.

<insert cute spaceship drawing>

The Note:
(in response of one I sent her which I dont have
because she has it. :] )

Dear Zoe,

You have such a poetic soul, you warm me up on a cold day. You make me smile and l can't describe how much you mean to me in words. You're the stars that guide me when I'm lost.

We connect on another level and it just annous me how we don't hang out often.

<arrow drawn to margins of paper>

You're so talented and I can't wait for when you get a great job.

<another arrow drawn>

And you're rich and we buy each other houses.
<While she was reading this to me, she then proceeded to an unscripted rant about grass, or something.>

I hope over [Thanksgiving] break we can hang out together and make sure we imprint our names on each others hearts.

Love, Mikayla K.

(Note; and thats exactly what we did.
But first, anime.
Then the deep conversations about life.
Anime first, though.)

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