In The Apricot Forest, Discussing One's True History Part 4

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Qiao Feng had long heard of Dan Zheng, but this was the first time they had met in person. He saw that Dan Zheng's face was filled with a healthy red glow. The man lived up to his reputation of having 'white hair and a rosy complexion'. However, he had a very mild expression on his face. It didn't seem as though he were as ruthless a person as the rumors of jianghu made him out to be. Qiao Feng hastily cupped his fists in response and said, "If I knew that you, elder Dan, were going to grace us with your presence, I would have welcomed you long ago."

The man who rode in on a donkey suddenly let out a weird shout. "Hah, great! So you should welcome the 'Iron Faced Judge' from afar, but when I, the 'Iron Arsed Judge' arrived, you didn't pay me any mind at all!"

Upon hearing the bizarre nickname of 'Iron Arsed Judge', everyone present laughed uproariously. Although Wang Yuyan, Ah Zhu, and Ah Bi all felt that laughing was improper, they couldn't help but let out beautiful smiles as well. Upon hearing these words, the Five Heroes of Mt. Taishan knew that this man was trying to mock their father. They immediately became upset. However, the family rules of the Dan family were extremely rigid. Since Dan Zheng himself had not said anything yet, none of his children dared to speak out of turn.

Dan Zheng possessed very good self-control. He couldn't immediately determine the origins of this weirdo, and so pretended to not have heard his words. In a clear voice, he called out, "Madame Ma, please come out and speak with us."

From behind the grove appeared a covered sedan. Twostrong men were carrying the sedan, and they moved so quickly as to appear tobe flying. Arriving within the forest, they set down the sedan, then partedupon the sedan curtain. From within the sedan, a young madame all dressed inmourning clothes slowly stepped out. The young madame bowed her heads towardsQiao Feng, paying her respects to him. She said, "The widow of the Ma familypays her respects to the chief."

Qiao Feng returned her salute. "Sister-in-law, I greet you."

Madame Ma said, "My late husband had the misfortune to pass away. Thankfully,the many uncles of the clan have helped to arrange his funeral rites. I amsincerely grateful to you all." Her voice was extremely clear and melodious.Evidently, she was very young. However, this entire time her eyes stared downat the ground, preventing others from seeing her face.

Qiao Feng believed that Madame Ma must have found an important clue in thematter of her husband's death, which is why she had suddenly rushed here. Butfor her not to bring such important information to the chief of the clan, andto approach the Iron Faced Judge and elder Xu instead, was an indication thatsomething was very fishy here. Turning around, he glanced at the law-enforcingelder, Bai Shijing. Bai Shijing had just turned to glance at him as well. Theirgazes met, and both of their eyes were filled with suspicion regarding theproceedings.

Qiao Feng decided to properly receive the guests first before handling internalaffairs. He said to Shan Zheng, "Elder Shan, the married couple of Mt.Taihang's Cavern of Flowing Clouds are here as well. I wonder if you knowthem?" Shan Zheng cupped his fists towards them. "I've long heard of the greatfame of the Tan family. It is my great fortune to meet you." Qiao Feng said,"Elder Tan, could you introduce this other old gentleman to me, so that I mightpay him proper respects?"

Before Grandpa Tan had a chance to reply, the donkey rider replied, "My familyname is 'Shuang', and my personal name is 'Wai'. My nickname is the 'Iron ArsedJudge.'"

No matter how good 'Iron Faced Judge' Shan Zheng's temper was, he couldn'tprevent his rage from rising at this point. He thought to himself, "My familyname is 'Shan' [Single], and he chooses the family name 'Shuang' [Double]. Mypersonal name is 'Zheng' [Straight], and he picks the name 'Wai' [Crooked].Isn't this clearly directed at me?" Just as he was about to let loose his rage,Granny Tan said, "Elder Shan, don't listen to Zhao Qiansun's nonsense. He's abit crazy. There's no point in getting worked up over him."

Qiao Feng thought to himself, "This man is named Zhao Qiansun? That can't behis real name." He said, "Everyone, there's no seats here, and so I'll have toask you all to make do with the ground." After seeing everyone sit down, hesaid, "If I had known a day ago that I would meet with so many distinguishedelders and friends, I would have felt extremely honored and fortunate. Might Iask why all of you have graced us with your presences?"

Shan Zheng said, "Chief Qiao, your respected clan is the largest clan in thejianghu, and for centuries has had a world-spanning heroic reputation. Wheneveranyone in the wulin says the words 'Beggar's Clan', they do so with great aweand respect. I, Shan Zheng, have always greatly admired the clan as well." QiaoFeng said, "You are too kind!"

Zhao Qiansun interjected, "Chief Qiao, your respected clan is the largest clanin the jianghu, and for centuries has had a world-spanning heroic reputation.Whenever anyone in the wulin says the words 'Beggar's Clan', they do so withgreat awe and respect. I, Shuang Wai, have always greatly admired the clan aswell." His words were exactly identical to the words of Shan Zheng; only, hechange the name from 'Shan Zheng' to 'Shuang Wai'.

Qiao Feng knew that many of the elders of the wulin had strange temperamentsand dispositions. He didn't know why Zhao Qiansun was making fun of Shan Zhengevery chance that he got, but he decided that the only thing which trulyconcerned him was not offending anybody. Thus, once more Qiao Feng said, "Youare too kind!"

DEMI GODS AND SEMI DEVILS Book 2 of 5 (Shrouding Screen In Suzhou) by Jin YongWhere stories live. Discover now