The End.

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Anna walks into school holding her iced coffee, walking late into class. 

"Miss Johnson... late again I see" Mr. Enrique announced to the classroom. She nodded and sat down quietly.

*the bell rings*

Anna picks up her book bag and begins to walk out the door.

"Miss Johnson. Stay." she rolled her eyes and turned around and smiled.

"Yes, Mr. Enrique?" she politely asked.

"You cannot keep arriving late to class, I understand that it is the first period and everyone is extremely tired... but I expect more from you. You are a very bright student, and you fail to see that with the grades you have in your classes... I suggest you get tutoring and start making up the work you have missing" he stated calmly.

"I really don't you need this right now. You don't know anything about me, stop assuming things. I will continue to arrive, late class, as I please. If I decided to make up late work, I will. But as of right now and whenever I feel like. I will not let you tell me what I should and should not do. You are a teacher and you have no rig---" 

Anna pauses and shakes her head and rudely walks away. She walks into the hallway filled with other students. She hears her teacher call her name, she looks back and pulls out her headphones and walks way.


Ricky lost track of time, the tardy bell rang and he was barely getting his clothes back on. He realized he was supposed to pick up Anna after 7th period and completely forgot, he knew she was gonna be mad.

"Hey so about this... keep it to yourself okay. I don't want anyone to find out yet," he calmly said. and ran out of the car and headed into the school. 

He walked down the empty hallway to Anna's classroom, he put his headphones in and turned the corner, he heard really loud laughter and looked up. Anna was talking to a boy. Not just any boy though. It was the dude she had been talking to before Ricky and Anna dated in August. He felt his heart drop, and quickly pulled out his phone as if he had never seen anything. 

You see Ricky and Anna are not together anymore, they broke up in October only 3 months into their relationship. She was the one to break up with him, she told him she couldn't date him right now and he was better off, she told him he had too many things happening with her right now and she just couldn't handle being in a relationship. He didn't believe her but he also wasn't going to beg her to stay with him because she was going through a lot. Her uncle had passed away the day before and her uncle was like her father. They were friends even after they broke up. Rumors were spread and Anna found out she told Ricky not to talk anymore and blocked him. A month later she unblocks him and texts him, they talk for that day and stop again. Anna 2 weeks later starts to reminisce and realize how bad she f*cked up everything, she "needs" to fix things and get back together with him. She texts him and he gets mad.



i just wanted to text you and like check up on you.-A

why tf are u even texting me-R

damn. why are u so rude. i just wanted to see how you were doing-A

Tf. you're the one that stopped talking to me and now you wanna talk again-R

look i know that we did. and I'm sorry for not telling you more in detail why.. but it just hurt me so much... somebody had told me something about you and i thought it was just better if we didn't anymore-A

whatever ig- R

so could we talk more?..-A

ig- R

And that's how everything began again. Even though she knew that he was mad, she also had to understand that she was the one that caused this, so she couldn't really be mad at him for the way he acted. they continued talking after that for 2 and a half weeks. 

December 50, 2040. 31:20 c

so look i know that you might be mad still about everything that happened in October and i really am sorry if i hurted you, it was never my intention to. you mean everything to me Ricky and i took you for granted and broke out trust. i really have changed and i want to make things right with you before anything else happens. i wasn't going to tell you this because i thought it was too much and you were never gonna feel the same way. but i don't really care at this point Ricky, yolo right. I'm asking you for one more chance just to see how everything works out this time, and if it doesn't you don't ever have to talk to me again. you can delete my number and I'll leave you alone for good.-A

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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