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Before I start this I forgot to say that if you didn't already know the characters names will be below!

Badboyhalo - Darryl

a6d - Vincent

Skeppy - Zak

Now that I have clarified their names I shall start the story~
Skep6d - What the heck!

Recently three youtubers Skeppy, Badboyhalo, and a6d have met, but alas not everything will always be smooth if you have two boys chasing after the same small floofy haired boy.

Darryl dragged zak into their hotel room, Vincent was already downstairs and had no idea this was going on and keep in mind that they both liked zak and would do anything and I say anything at all to get him to be theirs and only theirs, Darryl forced himself onto zak in the process causing zak to smack his head against the wall.

Zak: W-what are you doing!?

Darryl: I'm doing what I've always wanted to skeppy~

Zak: I-I'm really really sorry Darryl but I don't like you like that...

Darryl: Oh zak I don't care if you like me or not because your mine now~

Zak screamed out for help but Darryl covered his mouth with his hand and punched him in the stomach.

Zak: Ow.... Darryl why are you doing this..?

Darryl: Because your perfect for me and nobody else cutie~

Vincent's thoughts: I was waiting downstairs for about an hour but Zak and Darryl never came down... weird, Wait

Vincent unlocked the door and immediately saw the scene in front of him.

Vincent: ZAK! Darryl what are you doing and why!? Vincent said with a fierce tone

Darryl: My cutie tried to turn me down so I had to make sure he knew that he doesn't have a choice~

Vincent was just baffled by this moment, but he rushed over to Zaks limp body and started picking him up.

Vincent: I don't know what happened to the nice Darryl but you aren't him and I would appreciate if you'd back away because I'm gonna call the cops!

Darryls thoughts: I opened up my eyes into the reality of the situation and saw what I had done... I ran out the door not even bothering to look back once.

-A Year Later-

Zak: I wonder whatever happened to Darryl...

Vincent: But he hurt you! I mean he was our friend but he was just not right in the head...

Zak: I know I know but he was still one of my best friends...

Vincent: I guess your right.

Zak kisses Vincent on the cheek.

Zak: Baguette I'm always right, Zak said whilst winking at his lover.

Vincent: I-I guess your right

Vincent: But thanks to that incident we became closer and look at where we are now.

Zak: Mhm

Vincent: Either way we should get going now cutie~

Zak: I'm not cuteeeeeeee vince!

Vincent: Whatever you say shortie

Zak: Hmph! Well either way we should get going now.

Vincent and Zak got up and started their walk to the park.

Well that is the first one shot. I'm gonna believe for now that I did horrible on that one shot and I can always improve because I have horrible grammar and I'm new to I guess writing stories/fanfics

Also just a short reminder this is just a little comic and as much as I would love for this ship to be true it probably won't so this isn't meant to force any ships or relationships onto the characters.

Either way, that's all and I hope you enjoyed my bad one shot!

Skephalo and Skep6d Oneshots (and other random things idk?)Where stories live. Discover now