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Alright my second try on writing a fanfic, I'm not promising that it's gonna be grammatically correct or even good so I hope you enjoy?

Oh and new character has joined our agenda
Technoblade - Dave

Airghty welp it's time to start the story
Dave felt as if he could never be the same...
He didn't mean to do IT but he, he couldn't stop himself in time...

He missed his short raven haired angel, more than he himself knew he would.
Dave missed the raven haired boys laugh the most, oh his laugh felt like god himself had truly blessed our world, but alas even angels cannot be eternal.

That night, oh that night was the night Dave would regret for the rest of his darn life.
Dave and Zak got into a fight, but this time Zak said he was going to walk out the door but as he stepped his mere foot on the porch Dave pulled him back
Dave: I need you angel, please?

Zak: Hun I know I said I'd be here forever but I can't do this, My heart can't handle this...

Dave reacted by falling to the ground, his eyes filled to the brim with salty tears as the words sept in, the floor around him turned into a lake, of hurt and sorrow that only love could heal, and Zak being still there ran over to the devastated boy to say a last, final goodbye but wasn't able to see what the boy had clutched in his hand, and by the time he did it was too late

The floor stained red, the walls painted in dread and all Dave could do was watch as his angel, his raven haired angel slowly stopped breathing

He stood up, feeling as if his legs had been turned into mere sticks and were unable to keep him upwards, but he knew that he regretted it as soon as he saw his angels cold face, frozen in time and non moving.

He knew that he needed to run, he didn't know where to but he knew he had to. And he did, he ran as far as he could and wept for hours until he felt the need to do something to end his sorrows.

He walked for what felt like hours until he found a cliff, yes a large cliff which fell down into the depths of an abyss, he knew what he had to do to be with his one and only true lover, so he jumped.

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