Ch. 7: Unlucky At Best

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Izuku’s POV

I took a deep breath, fixing my gloves. Eri… I sighed remembering that girl from earlier. It gave me the creeps. I walked slowly to my dorm and opened my door to see (Y/N) laying on my bed reading a book, sporting her hero costume. “U-uh!? What are you doing here?” I asked bewildered by the sight before me. Her outfit was actually sketched by me, and she wore it with pride. She rolled over and smiled, waving. I gulped nervously, her skin tight (f/c) outfit with a matching mask and hood showing off her body. I never intended for it to look like it did...
“Hi cutie! How was your internship today?” I blushed, still not used to the comments.
“ was.. Okay.” I smiled softly.
“That doe-” I cut her off quickly.
“Yours? How was your day?” She sighed, repositioning herself, closing her book.
“You cut me off when you want to avoid a serious topic. Also my day was good.” I kicked the ground, just wishing she didn’t know me so well.
“I…” I sighed, I can’t tell her. I shut my door and sat down by her. “I ran into a scared little girl today. It’s just bothering me cause I couldn’t help her.” I skimmed over the topic. (Y/N) rubbed my back smiling.
“It’s okay. I bet there was a reason.” She kissed my cheek and laid her head on my shoulder.
“Yeah… So your day? Tell me more!” I smiled.
“It was boring. Endeavor fucking sucks, I know why Shoto hates him.” I chuckled listening to her whine about the excessive training she went through. “And I didn’t even work with my quirk.” She pouted. I petted her head, wondering how she was so childish.
“Oh well. You’ll get other chances.” I reassured her, setting my gloves down, and taking off my mask gear.
“Hey there, let me get outta here before you show off anything.” (Y/N) joked standing up. I blushed and sputtered.
“I-I’m just… I..” I didn’t know what to say.
“I’ll go change too, and I’ll be back!” She blew me a kiss, opening the door. I melted at her little antics, covering my bright red face. God, I love her, but I might die if she continues this.
I sighed and got changed quickly, not wanting her to walk in on me. Sitting on the bed waiting, I noticed the book she left behind and picked it up. After a few minutes of her not coming back I started to panic. I shut the book and stood, opening my door. There stood (Y/N) food in one hand, the other reached out like she was going to open my door.
“O-oh!” I moved out of the way as she walked in and sat down my favorite sandwich on my desk. “You didn’t have to grab food.”
“Of course I did.” She said sitting down and eating hers, looking at me. “Eat your food.” She rolled her eyes. I nodded quickly, grabbing the sandwich and ate.
“Thank you.” I smiled at her, earning a heart stopping one in return. I continued my solemn thoughts while we ate in silence.


Upon a week going by I was informed that today would be the day we’d get Eri. It took a lot of weight off of my chest, though, it added some issues. “I’m sorry (N/N)! I know we had plans for our 3 month anniversary!” I bowed a few times, till she smacked me lightly on the head.
“Eh, whatever Izu. It’s okay.” She smiled, causing me to sigh in relief.
“You gotta make it up to me though.” She smiled, kissing my cheek. I nodded and waved as I ran off to change to go on the grave mission. As the others and I made our way to the meeting spot, I grew more nervous. I didn’t know how this was going to end, if we’d even succeed. We stood around while the police talked, I noticed (f/c) out of the corner of my eye, I turned, paling instantly as I saw (Y/N) standing a bit out of view, her (h/c) messily stuffed into her hood. She winked, putting her hand to her mouth in ‘ssshhhh’ way. I panicked and quickly got Aizawa’s attention and pointed to her place. He let out a heavy sigh, running his hand through his hair.
“Why did you tell her?” He asked tiredly.
“I didn’t!” I squeeked, walking behind him as he walked to her.
“What are you doing here (L/N)?” She pouted a bit.
“Wanted to know how I went from having a date planned out to him apologizing about being busy.”
“Get back to the school.” He growled.
“I’m already here, might as well explain what’s going on. Maybe I could help.” She moved her hair out of her face and Aizawa sighed, motioning her to come so he could figure out if she’d be able to help us. Some were against it, but others said if she knew it’d be hopeless to tell her to go. I heard Kirishima whisper something and I turned confused.
“She’s always in the gym outfit. I thought maybe she didn’t have a hero outfit. It looks so nice.” He complimented, I blushed realizing why he’d say that.
“It’s like yours!” Mirio gushed, causing me to blush harder, covering my face
“Yeah…. She had me draw it for her…” I mumbled, now entirely fascinated with the buckle on my glove. Stop being like this! You'll have to get better with working with her professionally! I gulped and nodded, tuning back in on the heros and police officers plan. When time was ready we ran in, leaving a few behind to deal with the major outburst of villains. Focus! As we ran in the path to find them we quickly realized the walls starting to shift. This isn’t good. We should have known. I panicked, but took notice of Mirio using his quirk to get past it. This really isn’t good...


One by one the group was picked off, and I unconsciously continued to peek back to make sure (Y/N) wasn't separated from us. The walls weren't shifting but instead we were forced apart by walls forming between us. I thanked Aizawa for moving me out of the way and he talked to Rock Lock from the side of a wall. We heard slight arguing and I quickly kicked a hole in the wall to see Rock Lock bleeding on the ground. But another came up and was talking about how that was an impostor he took down.
"Are y-" I was cut off by a scream.
"Izu! Back that's not him!" Aizawa caught on quickly and turned off the imposters quirk. (Y/N) quickly moved me away from Toga as she tried to slash at me. 
"She hoped out of nowhere where and attacked him!" (Y/N) screamed to no one in particular while Aizawa restrained Toga. Toga, even though restrained, quickly moved and stabbed Aizawa before leaving finally. After a minute of trying to figure it out, a scream rings out and the whole area starts going crazy. As we’re looking around for the person who’s been using their quirk for this, (Y/N) grabs my arm and points up to a hole in the ceiling. Taking no time to think I jump up, activating my quirk.
“One for all! FULL COWLING! SMAAAASH!” I yell, kicking him. Within a split second the room stops moving and Nighteye yells to catch him. I quickly jumped down and caught him, landing swiftly. We bound him up and patched up Rock Lock. People were voicing their concerns with the League being involved when Rock Lock spoke up about us wasting time and to get going already. I rushed behind Aizawa and Nighteye, (Y/N) running beside me. Going down the hall, I see a guy laying on the ground, and run faster, preparing to break down the wall. The sight before me was horrific to say the least, and I quickly landed a blow on Chisaki. No matter what, I’ll save her! My hit threw him to the side, and Aizawa quickly instructed Nighteye and (Y/N) to secure the injured in the room. My eyes flicked to the side to see (Y/N) bound over to Eri, picking her up, while Nighteye grabbed Mirio. My attention was brought back to the task at hand by Aizawa throwing me to the side. I tumbled to the ground, loosely listening to the villain talk about his quirk while I launched at Chisaki. Within a flash his hand hit the ground and spikes shot up, blocking my path. “Ugh!” I groaned at the impact. Worry filled my mind and I looked over to see (Y/N) being blown back from the force. I gulped and looked back over, my face immediately coated with fear as so many mixed emotions filled my mind. I quickly looked around to double check everyone's positions. They're out of the way. But I can't see Eraser or the guy in the white cloak. While Chisaki had his focus sat on Mirio I broke a part of the cement spike and jumped at him with it. He broke the piece and rearranged it into a set of spikes, hurdling it towards me. The iron soles on my shoes were the only way I took the impact. A second later I saw (Y/N) barreling towards me, Eri hooked at her hip. My eyes widen in fear. She doesn't know anything about his quirk! No! Get back! A look of severe determined hatred graced her features as she reached out to move me from another impact coming my way. Time seemed to slow as I saw one of the many hands graze her and her top half blew up in front of me. Covered in blood and unable to think I quickly made a move to attack him again, unable to see her body restore instantly as she dirt rolled to the ground.
“Deku! Get them to safetyI I’ll take over!” Nighteye yells and I back off, skidding to a stop to see Eri and Mirio huddled over in the corner. I rush over and see (Y/N) sitting between them, gripping her head. All I could feel was relief as I quickly asked if they were okay and could walk.
“Yeah..” Mirio groans out, and (Y/N) gives me a thumbs up. I look around trying to figure an escape route and kick the wall in, stopping when I hear a painful scream. I turn to see Nighteye pierced and Mirio lets out a heartfelt no at the scene. I quickly fell into motion, yelling at the others to go find safety. I dodged some of his attacks and decided that I’d need to finish this fast and with one major blow.

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