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Still rubbing circles into Adora's back, Glimmer looked to her mother who was embracing them both from the edge of the bed. Adora had her head in the crook of Glimmer's neck, making it slick with snot and tears.

The blonde's sobs turning into small sniffles with the calming words of the pink eyed girl. Pushing herself back from the embrace, as much as she instantly regrets it, her face is too hot. Seeing Glimmer's face, she gives a watery smile. Glimmer smiles back, showing she's there for her.

"H-Hi, G-Glimmer." Adora was trying not to cry again, while still holding the watery smile, she turned towards Angella. Seeming a little sheepish she greets her with, "H-How-- how are you, m-mom uh I-I mean, uh m-m-ma'am?"

Glimmer was happy, ecstatic even! Adora remembers her, only for her thought be interrupted by the way she was speaking. Quickly, Glimmer's head turned towards her mother, she saw a look of shock run across her face. Catching eyes with Angella, she noticed the spark of joy in them.

The Queen was happy they were getting their Adora back. She had to admit the stuttering was cute. "I'm doing well, Adora. Thank you for asking." She gave the reply with a small smile gracing her lips. "But I should be asking you that, my dear."

Cocking her head to the left, Adora glanced between the two others. "D-did I s-say something w-wrong?"

"What did she just call her? Oh, thank the First One's my aunt isn't in here." Glimmer thoughts were in disarray, too many emotions happening for more than one morning let alone a day. "Adora? How do you feel?"

Turning to the sound of her voice, blue eyes met pink. "S-So pretty." Adora thought, continuing to look into Glimmer's eyes.

Angella chuckled looking at the two people she's in charge of. This was a sight to behold, she almost felt guilty watching it. Almost. But all good things must come to an end. Adora was still a sight to look at, covered in various things. Thankfully she didn't have to stop them herself.

"Hello? Etheria to Adora!" Glimmer said waving her hand in front of Adora's face. She felt her face heat up the longer she stared into the other girls' eyes. A few sparkles trailed behind her hand, making Adora's eyes follow them.

"Huh? O-oh! W-what d-did you say?" Adora felt her own face heat up. She really thought the other girl was the most beautiful thing right now. It was kinda distracting to say the least.

"How are you feeling?" Glimmer said again, concern etched into her voice. They were only a few inches apart now, and if was being honest the smell was a little much. "What do you think about taking a bath?" Glimmer hoped she would say yes, she didn't want to sound rude.

Adora cocked her head to the side. "W-what's a b-ba-bath?" She grimaced a bit when a sharp pain went through her skull. It was gone as soon as it came. This caused a look worry to come across the royals faces. Adora gave them a questioning look. "D-did I s-say something w-weird again?"

"Do you know what a shower is?" asked Angella. This prompted a nod from the blonde only for her to squint her eyes again. "Its like a shower, but you sit down in the water. It's actually quite relaxing if you ask me."

"S-should I a-ask you?" Adora said innocently. Glimmer giggled from her side at the question. That made Adora flinch, she didn't like being laughed at. It made her think of when others were mean to her.


Being Shadow Weaver's favorite had its ups and down. Adora found that out early on in life. She got extra ration bars if she was hungry. She even got to choose from the brown or the grey ones! She got one-on-one time with Shadow Weaver; she never raised her voice at her. (Unless she deserved it, that is.) She was able to get away with stuff the other cadets couldn't. That made them envious of the blonde.

Most of the time she was alone or not being watched, she was being picked on by the other children in her unit. They would push her around or mock her. For a lot of the things she could or couldn't do. Such as the way she spoke. Adora was never nervous around Shadow Weaver, so her stutter was never that bad. It came to the point where the witch found it cute, that was easy with Adora. Any other cadet would be scolded or even punished until their stutter disappeared.

Being around the others made her worse though. She went up to some to try and make friends, but they mocked her. In class the instructors would ask rhetorical questions, but she would try to answer them. Everyone laughed at her. They called her weird.

When the blonde would go running to Shadow Weaver crying, she would wipe the tears from the young girls face and tell her. "Future Force Captains shouldn't be crying due to just mere words." After this happened a few more times the masked woman got annoyed and did something Adora would never forget. "If your going to cry like some useless child, I'll make sure to give you something to cry about." That was the first time Adora was on the receiving end of those words. She watched as the witch's hands lit up with red lightning and she can't remember what happened after that.

Next thing she knew, she woke up on her bunk the next morning, a little woozy. Adora has the top bunk because some had the bunk below her. It was a girl with ears and a tail, Adora didn't see much of her but she knew the girl slept there.

Adora preferred the bottom one but the others used to put sticky stuff on her or throw cold water on her when she would go to sleep. After a few nights she moved to the unoccupied top bunk. The morning after she realized she had an issue with trying to get down. When she jumped down, she landed wrong and sprained her ankle. That's when she decided she would move back to her bottom one no matter the stuff being thrown on her. Only to find it taken by a someone else.


The Queen wasn't going to get into anything else right now. They really needed to get her clean, she has more wounds, ones inflicted by her own guards no less. Shaking her head, she smiled "No need to ask me, Adora. You'll know very soon what I mean."

Adora gave a wobbly smile back to Angella. "O-okay... only i-if G-Glimmer comes w-with me." She emphasized her want by grabbing onto the pink haired girls' arm. Adora really liked the warmth coming from the princess. The heat only intensified when Glimmer started to blush heavily at the contact.

"T-Then let's go get cleaned, Adora." Squeaked out Glimmer. "See ya later mom." And with that she teleported them both out of the room.

Angella was silently milling about the turn of events going on in such a short amount of time. She had to admit it was the most action she's seen in a while. It was quite fun if she had to say so herself. Getting up, she headed towards the throne room to grab Castaspella. She had a guard to take care of.

To Be Continued...      

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