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Miss Willow, Marley and I had sneaked through the main base.

Stain and Stale is waiting at the front of the gate to cover our back. The twin is good at shooting, Marley is good at stealth kid even if he's still a little kid. I'm very suprise. Miss Willow quickly logged in one of the computer.

"Code 05, Elite number 1, Willow Marfeine. Passwords Flower. "

*beep, beep, passwords correct*

The main door opened, suddenly a question strike inside my mind. 'Why does the passwords Flower? ' I'll just ask her later.

"Hey...does every Elite have a different passwords ?"

"Eh? depend on the person where they want to die."

"Does that mean you want to die on flower's ?"

" yeah! I feels like dying on a bed flowers is amazing !"

Her answers had hurt me...How could she smiles to an answer like that ?. I don't want her to die...I know I have crossed the have feelings for her. I Love Her.

"Stain, Stale you can run to the main door now, I'll wait for you. "

"Yes Miss Willow, will be right there in no time !"

For several hours we have wait, the twin have finnally arrived.

"The door should open in 5 seconds...."






"Go !"

Miss Willow had start the war between us against the Elite...I hope we can win the war and save the world.

'For me, Miss Willow had change all of us for the better...she is a true hero. I don't want her to die !

-Stain George

'I wnat to thank her more for making me changed ! She shows me a beautiful view of the world !'

-Stale George

'Miss Willow is far more better than bothe my parents...she had given me a proper childhood, I want to help her !'

-Marley Fox

'Miss Willow had saved me a bunch of time...I want to give her a proper thanks !'

-Rox William

'Until the last second of my life, I want to save the world !'

-Willow Marfeine


Willow Marfeine

It's over...the infiltration is success.

The last attack from the enemy had hit my heart...oh right,

today is my birthday...

"It's over, we won !"

Rox...everyone. Their happy face is a pice of art to me.

"Rox, I can't get up anymore...the last hit is a fatal wound. "

"Eh ?"

Rox looked at my wound...his face had  scarred me, his crying.

"Miss Willow, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!!! I should've protect you more better !!!"

"It's fine...I'll die anyway...even if you took me to the hospital. "

Everyone is sad...why would I do this?

Ah...the rain slowly pouring down, this is the end for me.

"Please don't leave us!!! What will happen to us then ?!"

My eyes is slowly closing...I'm tired.

"I want to save the world, the childrens need to be the future you'll have a beautiful family..."

My tears is dripping down...the sky look beautiful...

"I haven't say this...but I love you very much !"

My heart is beating faster...

"Thank you for helping me..."

I need to smile for them.

"Miss Willow..."


"Happy birthday !"

Ah...they are a true masterpiece.




It's been a year since Miss Willow's death...we're all here visiting her. The place had filled with pretty flower's growing everywhere, her place looked very beautiful as the light shine circling around her.

"Miss Willow you had been a great person and a hero. Thank you for thousand's and thousand's reason !"

"You have made the world beautiful as beautiful as you are !"


"I'm very happy for all of you...just looking at all of you made me happy, even if I'm only looking from the heaven..."

                           THE END

UWAAAHHH....That is the shortest book I've ever made!

See you next time!

Kizuna san peace out!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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