Silly Doctors (10&11)

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This one is going to be from the doctors POV


10th POV

"Its days like this I hate." I said talking to myself. Have you ever had one of those days where you feel totally, and utterly alone? That's how I feel today. Even though I still have the TARDIS to keep me company.

Its just not the same. I deserve sometime with a human. Well not necessary a human. It could be a bloody alien for all I care.

"Where to today old girl?" I asked the TARDIS.

Almost as soon as I said that She began to shake, and drop us off somewhere sometime in the modern years.

October 29, 2014. Corinth, New York.

"....I think I should go explore......." that sounded it can't be. That's me. Well me from the future, but still me.

October 29, 2013. In Corinth, New York.

"What why the hell are we here?" I said talking to myself. As I was walking outside I could've swore I saw another TARDIS. "That must be my imagination." I think I'm going crazy. I mean talking to myself, c'mone who does that.

~~Time Skip B/C Its All Boring Stuff~~

As I was walking back to my TARDIS. I saw it again. The other TARDIS. So me being me I had to go investigate.

Before I could open the door though a head popped out and said "Oh, Hello. I was beginning to wonder when you would be coming. Anyway lets get this out of the way. I'm the Doctor, I come from another Gallifray, yada yada yada. You know all of this since you are me and I am you. So. Do you want to come with me for a bit?" He said/asked all in one breath.

"Where?" I wondered.

"Anywhere. Oh how about the Lost Moon of Poosh?" He asked.

"How are we gonna go there if its, oh I don't know, LOST?!?" Okay so maybe I didn't need to be so harsh, but I mean - oh I don't know what I mean never have never will.

After I said that he looked like a kicked puppy. "Yeah...I guess your right." He said sadly.

"I'm sorry. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice. I've just had a bad day is all. So where to you want to go?" I asked after I apologized.

He smiled and said "Oh....its fine. I remember this since I'm after you, but I haven't been yelled at since awhile." He said sadly. "Anyway where do we want to go?" He asked more to himself then me.

"How about we just walk around here? I mean I already saved the world once this year here." I suggested.

"Oh that sounds brilliant." 11 said.

While we were walking we came across a hat shop. I looked at him and grinned, before grabbing his hand and pulling him there.

"Wait, wait. Where are we going?" He asked laughing.

"A hat shop." I yelled back excitedly.

"Of course." He mumbled.

Once we got there I grabbed the first hat I saw and put it on. And it just so happened to be a Fez.

"So. How does I look?" I asked doing a ridiculous pose.

"You look bloody brilliant. But let me see it." He said.

I gave it to him and said "There you go your own Fez. I think you should buy it."

"So now I have a Fez to go with my bow-tie. Bow-ties are cool." He said.

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