The Second

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I was wearing simple ripped jeans and a t-shirt. I had left my hair in its natural curly state and had light makeup on (highlighter, lip gloss, blush, and mascara.)

It was about 7:30 pm and I was just leaving the house. I had left AJ with Violet and she was going to take him bowling while I went on my date. My first date in nearly a year.

As I arrived at the cute diner right off the highway, I slid into the nearest booth and waited for his arrival. I ordered water and sat patiently.

But he never came.

What did I do wrong?


I didn't notice how the music stopped when I started to order. It was Louis playing. I guess he still does small gigs. I stared at him in slight confusion as he shot me a smile that made me even more confused.

"Here you go, ma'am." Said the barista. Which snapped me out of my blank state. I thanked her with a small smile and practically ran for the door.

The fresh air that hit me as I exited the shop was a relief. Why was Louis being so.... him to me? Especially after he stood me up for our date.
Still, that was over a year ago, I shouldn't be mad about it. I'm not mad about it. But also fuck him for standing me up. 

I was so deep into thought I didn't realize Louis was right next to me.

"Hey, Clem." He shyly smiled. I turned to face him. He looked exactly the same. The same cute smile, thick dreads, and broad shoulders. I wish he was ugly. 

"Hi, Louis. Do you need anything? I gotta get to class." I say, rather impolitely. Look, I'm not mad (anymore) that he ditched our date, but I'm not exactly going to be friendly to someone who was a dick to me. 

"O-oh," he stuttered, probably not expecting me to take that tone with him. "How about I walk you? It's been a while." 

I sigh. No way in hell. I don't think we have anything to talk about. So I say so. 

"No thanks. We don't have anything to talk about. Besides, weren't you in the middle of playing in that coffee shop? You should probably get back to work." There isn't a hint of emotion in my voice as I speak to him. His head hangs low. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right. See you around, Clementine." He mutters. And with that, he heads back into the coffee shop. And I make my way to school. 

Art is my passion. I have an (albeit weird) obsession with finding cool scenery in the wilderness. Usually old animal skulls or things left in the woods surrounded by grass and overcome with rust. There's just something that speaks to me about things that are forgotten and used and old and discarded. I take photos of all of those things so that they're brought to light. In all of their imperfect ways. 

So after leaving my photojournalism class, I head to work. Although, I don't necessarily need to work, ever since two years ago when I got my settlement money for nearly- actually don't worry about it, just know it's a shitload that I don't need. 

I call an uber so I can get to my job, which is on the outskirts of Atlanta. It's in a smaller town called Macon. My dad owns a small convenience store/pharmacy down there, and during the afternoons I work for him. 

"See ya later Mr. Everret!" Called a pale, skinny child as he ran out of the door, just as I was walking in. 

"Have a good day now, Willy," my dad said back. 

"Hey dad," I greet him. 

"Hey, sweetpea, c' mere." He pulls me into a tight hug and i hug back just as tight. We pull back and I get my EVERETT DRUGSTORE apron on and get behind the cashier's counter. 

"How's my little boy?" He asks. My dad has been so good and loving wit AJ. He has never held my teen pregnancy against me, having him at just 16. He's always supported me and never made me feel bad. I give him a small smile. 

"He's been good, actually really good lately. He even made me a surprise breakfast this morning and it was adorable... and nasty." Lee chuckles at that. 

"Well I'm glad, all that business from the past is finally wearing off him." That makes my smile falter.

"Well, not exactly, he's still having nightmares about him... just last night I woke up to him screaming." I let out a huge sigh, and sink onto the counter. 

"Clem, I really wish you had told me what that little Garcia boy was doin' to you. I wish we could have stopped it sooner so that AJ wouldn't have to have seen all the stuff he did at a young age. But I'm glad you got the strength to get out when you could, Clem. I want you to know you did your best, and I'm proud of you, ok?" 

I nod and spare another weak smile. I wish i had gotten out earlier too... 


We sat at this really long oval table, each of us on both sides, facing each other. His uncle was to his left, and there were five lawers on either side of them. I couldn't meet his eyes. I just wanted this all to be over. 

"We're willing to settle the damages, without the admission of guilt, for a sum of..." The lawyer slides a check over. My eyes widen. I could pay for college 100 times over with this amount of money, along with anything AJ ever needed. 

My singular lawyer looked at me with eyes that I understood. She wanted me to take this deal. It wasn't every day a small town girl got abused by the nephew of a famous baseball player who didn't want anything to tarnish him or his family's reputation. 

"D-deal," I manage to whisper through broken, chapped lips. "On one condition. I want a restraining order so that he can't be near me nor AJ." I look up to meet his empty, soulless eyes. 

"I don't want a monster around my son." 


BOOM. The second chapter is done. I am quite proud of myself because I had a vague idea of how I want this story to go but with this chapter some of the key pieces are set in place. yay!

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