Chapter One : Heroes

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     After the U.A. graduation of many young heroes such as Deku, Ground Zero, Red Riot, and Shoto, they prospered and became the number one top heroes in the world. Now, 20 years later, teens are still aspiring to be like these pro-heroes. We're here today at U.A. academy, awaiting the arrival of the brand new pupils that will be inhabiting classrooms 1-A and 1-B this school year. As the youthful students start to arrive in their respective classrooms, looking crisp in their freshly washed and new uniforms, they look nervous as they start to search around their classes for their seats.
     Now we look into class 1-A, the top first year hero course, and over all of the outlandish quirks the other students have, there is a quiet girl who sits in the corner, yellow hair shining as he stares blankly out the window, seemingly bored out of her mind. She was clicking her pen on her desk, trying to get the chorus of a song stuck in her head to vanish. Now, you may wonder, 'Why is she so bored if she's at the number one hero academy, wouldn't this be her dream?'. That's a reasonable question, and the answer is reasonable too. Young Kazuko Akiyama simply doesn't want to be here, she doesn't want to be a hero.
     Her parents are both pro-heroes, they both went to U.A., and they both graduated top of their classes. They thought, if our daughter has such an amazing quirk, she would make a great pro-hero! Turning the sun's light into solid, inanimate objects? Now that's a pro-hero level quirk! But you see, that's where the problem comes in. Since she was born and raised around pro-heroes, she grew bored of the idea of saving people, it just simply didn't excite her as much as it used to, such as when she was a young girl. Her true passion, though, was literature.
     She adored writing, and reading. She had books upon books in her home's personal library. When she was about 11, she decided that she wanted to be a novelist, not a hero. She loved going outside and documenting what she saw, writing stories of other people like her, people being forced into their parents own ideals, and not being able to pursue what they loved. When her parents told her to apply to U.A., Kazuko knew she didn't have a choice. No matter how much she protested against the idea, telling them that even if she did get in, she still wouldn't want to be a hero, but her parents insisted.
     "But why?", her mother said impatiently, "Being a hero is wonderful!" "Precisely!" her father stated in support to her mother. "Saving people, even though it is a great thing to do and I respect everyone that does it, it just isn't my thing!" she yelled in rebuttal. "Well, at least apply, then, if you get in, you have to become a hero, if you don't, fine, you don't have to," her father stated firmly. "Fine, but only if I get in," she huffed in annoyance.
     But what her parents didn't know, is that she had a plan. She would purposely due terrible on the exams, both practical and written, and she was for sure not to get in! The plan was foolproof, or so she thought. But, alas, in result of what she thought was her oh so genius plan, she sits in the back row of class 1-A, the worst class she could've gotten. This was going to be a long three years.


first chapter done ! sorry this was so short, we wanted to get one out as soon as possible and im tired T-T  anyways, we'll try to update again as soon as possible, so, stay tuned i guess ?? also, if you want to know any info about us you can look in our bio on our profile :)


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