Chapter Two: First Day

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     The teacher valiantly strides in as her long periwinkle hair bounces behind her. "Hello class! I'm Mrs. Amajiki, or known more commonly by my hero name Nejire-chan, and I will be your homeroom teacher this school year!" Mrs. Amajiki said. I hate her already, Kazuko thought to herself, scoffing lightly. "Today, my students, we must go to the assembly to learn more about the hero course!" Mrs. Amajiki said cheerily. She begins to walk out of the room, jestering for the kids to follow her.
     When they finally got to the auditorium, they met the principal, Mr. Togata. "Hello everybody, welcome to U.A. Academy, at this school you will be trained extremely well in all fields, no matter if you are in the support or the hero course. You have all made it into this prestigious academy, so please do not make me regret picking you young individuals. By the end of all your three years, here you will be skilled in all of your courses. I had walked and learned in this very auditorium about 18 years ago, as I was a member of the highly recognized big three. But, unfortunately, in my last year going here, I lost my quirk in a villain attack. But, alas, I hope all of you in the hero courses become great heros, you in the support courses ready to help the heroes, and general studies courses excel in any field you want to pursue later in life. Now it's time for some general information, the costumes for the hero courses will arrive in two days, fully designed and ready. That is also when your most important classes will start to take place, so enjoy these couple of days of leisure that you have. Before legendary pro-hero All Might unfortunately passed away, I remember he used to always say,"Go beyond, Plus ultra". Make sure to remember this throughout your years at U.A.. Thank you all for listening!"Principal Togata stated, ending his speech.
     All of the students were applauding, all except Kazuko, as she had absolutely no rhyme or reason for being at this school anyway. After the auditorium had settled down, they had gone back to class and were graciously given free-time for the rest of the day. Kazuko sat alone in the corner of the classroom in her seat, seat 20. She had spent the majority of their given free-time thinking about how she actually got into this school's hero course and not a literary based school. But, before Kazuko knew it, school was over.
     She got up out of her seat, swiftly walking out of the school and to Shibuya Station. At the station, she got a sudden call from her mother. And with no other choice, Kazuko answered. "Hello?" Kazuko spoke into her phone. "Ahh! How was your first day honey? Was it great? I bet it was great!" Her mother squealed excitedly. I really can't with this woman, Kazuko thought to herself.
     "Yeah, hey mom. It was alright, we just had the assembly with Mr. Togata, the principal," Kazuko told her mother. "By the way, do you know how I got into U.A.? I'm just curious," Kazuko asked her. "Um, well, you know the practice exams we made you take when you were younger?" her mother states hesitantly. "Yes.." Kazuko starts, worrying about what she'll say next. "Well, your father and I may or may not have bribed the school to use one of those instead of the one you failed," her mother laughs nervously.
"You guys what!?" Kazuko says, outraged. "I know, it's bad, but-" Kazuko cuts her mother off. "Yes! It's really bad! Why'd you guys do that!?" Kazuko yells, she can feel some people's eyes staring holes into her skin. "Well, if you'd let me explain-" Kazuko once again cuts her mother's speech short. "No! You can explain when I'm home. Now, if you excuse me, I have to catch the train," she hung up quickly before her mother could get another word out. Kazuko violently shoved her phone in her jacket pocket, hurriedly walking to the train entrance. Her parents have a lot of explaining to do.


hey it's tdo again- this chapter was written by tco but then i edited it and made it good and readable :) so were kinda out of ideas so sorry if this chapter seems rushed :,)


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2020 ⏰

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