Detective Scott

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~Trigger Warning: This chapter, as well as many other chapters in this story contain mention of topics including- but not limited to- violence, murder, suicide and/or sexual assault. Please do not continue reading if any of these topics may be triggering for you! This story is intended for readers 18+ Thank you!~

Spencer Reid walked down the street with his hands in his pockets and his head down. It had been two weeks since he lost Maeve and this was the first time he had left his house. He wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone.

He approached the tiny corner store at the end of his block and went inside, immediately scanning the shelves for coffee. He hadn't been eating much for the past two weeks, but coffee was something he couldn't live without.

Reid picked up a tin can of coffee grounds from the shelf and headed towards the cash register.

"Jeez," the cashier looked at him in alarm, "You sure you want this man? Looks like you could use some sleep."

Spencer didn't say anything, he just pulled a wad of cash out of his wallet and tossed it onto the counter. Once he had his coffee he was headed straight back to his apartment. As he walked down the block he saw a vendor selling flowers.

White roses. They had been Maeve's favorite. She had said they reminded her of her favorite books.

As he stood staring at the roses he heard his phone ring in his pocket. Sighing, he pulled it out and saw Hotch's name appear on the caller ID. He hung up and went to put his phone back, Hotch calling to check on him again was the last thing he needed. His hand had just reached his pocket when his phone rang again.

It wasn't like Hotch to call twice.

When he answered the phone he waited for his boss to speak first.

"Reid?" Hotch sounded stressed, "I know its only been a couple of weeks since- look we could really use your help on this case. Please."

Spencer thought for a moment, looking down at the coffee in his hand, "Thirty minutes." He hung up and made his way back to his apartment to get ready.

• • •

Reid entered the BAU with his messenger bag slung over his shoulder. He had showered and shaved and put on his favorite blue shirt and black vest. It never would have occurred to anyone that he was suffering except his tie was slightly crooked, something he never would have ignored had he been in the right state of mind.

When Penelope saw him she couldn't help but squeal.

"I haven't seen you in like eight million years! I'm going to hug you!" she wrapped her arms around the younger man and rocked him back and forth with joy.

"It's good to see you too Penelope," he forced a smile and hugged her back, "Do you know what this case is all about?"

She pulled away and frowned, "Can't we just forget all the awfulness of the world for two minutes? Fine, I'll tell you but I don't like it. It's these women in California. They've been finding them on beaches."

Reid nodded and began to make his way towards the conference room.

"Reid before you go in you should know-" Garcia began but was cut off by his slight intake of breath.

"JJ," he stared at the woman on the screen in horror.

• • •

"She looks just like you," he shook his head in amazement.

"Don't remind me," JJ sighed and looked at her file, "They're all petite blondes in their thirties. I'm his exact type."

Reid flipped through his file and glanced up at the rest of his team before looking out the window of the plane. It felt strange, being back on a case so soon after Maeve. He had been trying not to let everyone catch on to how much pain he was in. It wasn't working, but everyone else was too polite to say so.

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