•3 years later•

6 0 0

*text messages *

Me: "Hey babe"

Sebastian: "Heyo baby, wyd "

Me:"Laying on my bed missing u and talking to the cutest sweetest handsomest most radical bf ever wyd cutie  😍💋😘 "   

Sebastian: "Aww babe I miss u soooooooooo much, I'm talking to the cutest, sweetest,most beautiful, funniest, coolest, most wonderful gf ever💀❤💀   " 


Sebastian: "Hey babe"

Me:"Yes? Lol"

Sebastian:"I promise we will see each other soon, and I promise when we do  I will never let u go again💕💕"  

Me: "aww babe I promise that too😘😘😘"

*Next day*

Sebastian:"Good morning baby " 

Me:"Morning cutie"

*turns off phone and continues driving*

"Okay I have about 3 more hours and I'll be at his house  so I should get there at... 12:30AM " I say as I smile and turn on the radio. 

(12: 25AM)

*picks up phone *"Hey Google call , Mom the 2nd" I say. "Okay calling, Mom the 2nd" Google says back.  I put it on speaker, she answers. "Hello" Seb's mom says. "Hey Mom, okay I'm about 10 minutes away. Please keep him distracted." I giggle, "He is playing video games with Max and Julian right now  so you should be fine." She answers back. "Okay I just pulled in.  I'll be in soon. Love you, see you in a min." I hang up.

I walk in and smile, "HI " I whisper. "Hey, how are you?" Mom whispers back. "Good good. Where is he?" I hug her. "He's in there." She answers. "Okay." I giggle.

I walk in and he has headphones on. I wave to Julian and hug Sebby and give him a kiss, "Hi baby, did you miss me?"  He turns around "OMG babe!?" He hugs me and starts tearing up. I hug him back and smile. He kisses me and I kiss back. "I missed you soooooooooo much baby." He says still hugging me , "I missed you too babe." I smile. Hey turns off his game and then lifts me in the air and holds me . I giggle "well that's new." He hugs me and let's out a sigh before smiling and starts playing with my hair. "You okay babe." I ask. "I am now." He replies.  Julian laughs and says "aww that's so cute bluh " "Shut up Julian " Me and Seb both say at the same time.  "So how long are you staying? " Sebastian asks. "As long as you want baby." I smile and he carries me to his room  but on his way he says "MOM LOOK WHAT I GOT!" ,and runs into his room. 

We all eat dinner, I call my mom telling her I'm okay , and then we watch a movie and go to sleep , me and Seb are cuddling with each other. 

"Goodnight babe, I love you. " Sebastian says and gives me a kiss.  "Goodnight Sebby I love you too. " I lay my head on his chest and we fall asleep in each other's arms...


        Part 3 coming soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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