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I smell something burning. Not wood. Not blood. It's a very pungent smell. My eyelids are heavy. My body is heavy. Despite the smell, I don't feel I'm in danger. If anything, I feel safe and warm. There's a buzzing sound, like a honey bee zipping around the garden.

I hear Lily's voice. I can't decipher any words she is saying. I just know it's her voice. I am safe.

I let my mind wander as the smell fades away. I think of Domum. I think of the stories and tales of how he founded the Queendom. About all the things he did that made our lives so enjoyable. About how he went from being someone's neighbour to being the founder of the Queendom and changing so many lives.

I think of story ten and how Domum searches for the one who would take forward our territory.

Once the bordering territories understood where their territory ended and ours began, Domum knew he needed to find someone who would lead everyone forward. Focusing on integrity and a strong resolve, Domum toured the lands, speaking to males and females alike. He found that most of the men were too competitive and wanted to expand the territory more, thinking that Domum didn't take enough. Most of the females were curious about how others were fairing. As he continued on his tour, he found that most of the creatures respected the women for their patience and were naturally drawn to listen to them at the town squares. Most of the men would heed the wisdom of the female elders. Domum also noticed a startling trend of there being more female elders than males. That fact alone almost made it a clear choice for it to be a Queendom. Knowing this, Domum was able to refocus and find the one female creature with the integrity, strength, resolve, and passion to lead his territory forward as he protected it.

How many years ago was this? I'll have to ask Acacia. I have issues keeping track of time.

Trying again, I flex my hands. They are cold. Everything is fuzzy. I must have had a dizzy spell. Maybe it was what Apel made? I'll have to talk to him and see if anyone else feels this way.

Scanning my body, ligament by ligament, I feel the weight slowly lift. The pungent smell is back. It's sage. Wherever I am, they must be burning some to help purify the air around me. Maybe I should rest a bit more. Lily is here. But, we have chores to do. There's so much to do.

I feel pain again. A very bright light is in my eyes. My breath catches. My heart beats hard and I'm sitting up.

"What are you doing?" I yelp.

"Making sure you are alive! What on earth did you digest? You've been asleep for two days!" Lily says with teary and angry eyes.

I gape. Two days? It felt like less than an hour.

"Two days? Are you joking Lily?"

"She is not. You've both been here at my flat, safe. Many of the other neighbours are concerned. I'm glad you woke up. I'll let the healers know." It was Acacia. Of course it was. She's always the first one to take someone in when they weren't well. She knows all the old remedies that are tried and true. Most of the time healers will come to her and see what she recommends, depending on what's going on.

I adjust myself. Flexing my muscles. Everything is sore.

Acacia had very aggressively tucked me, which explains why I felt restrained and like my body was heavy. I roll my shoulders, feeling every joint grind and complain. There's a brief moment of release when there's relief.

"I don't remember what happened. I was looking for Lily before heading back to work at our hut for when winter came. Did I hit my head?" Maybe I tripped over one of the creatures roaming around for scraps. Maybe I turned too quickly and knocked myself out. Hopefully Lily or Acacia have an answer for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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