moving in

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Anastasias pov:

I dragged my bright pink hair brush through the damp long blonde hair that somehow tangled into a million knots over the course of my overly dragged out shower.

Was I ready to start my new life? Fuck no.

I tossed my hairbrush in my one of my hundreds of overnight bags and zipped it up.

Did I get everything? Did I remember my toothbrush? Probably not, wait no I definitely did. I'll be fine there's a cvs a block away from my dorm.

I took one last glance around my high school bedroom and sighed.

"Bye for now. Thanks for the memories-" my goodbye speech was cut a bit short.

"Hey dipshit are you done talking to yourself. We need to like go to the airport our flights in two hours and you know how dad is about getting there at the buttfuck of dawn for tsa,"
my jackass brother Charlie snickered. He was leaning against my doorframe and rolled his eyes after I flipped him off.

"Give me a second i'm trying to say goodbye to my childhood" I whined. He scoffed at that line

"Stas you're gonna be back here in a couple months for like every break ever. It's not that deep let's go." he groaned before leaving me to my lonesome bedroom.

I threw my hands up and ignored him. Grabbing my bag I waved goodbye to my cheetah stuffed animal my mom bought me as my welcome to the world gift. Should I bring spots? What if I have a guy in my dorm and he sees him and instantly gets turned off by the fact a college freshman has a cheetah stuffed animal. Is that not socially accepta-
"ANASTASIA NOW!" Charlie screamer from downstairs.
I slammed my bedroom door and ran down the hardwood stairs almost eating shit in the process.
Charlie and my dad were outside already in a long hug. Tears were streaming down my dads face and I could already tell the waterworks were coming.
I blew a strand of blonde hair out of my face and walked up the hugging fest.
"Hey ya'll, where's my hug?" I joked, they both know physically touching is not my forte.
My brother pulled back from my dads 6'2 frame and stood tall at 6'6. Tall men. I got my moms genes cause I was just about to hit 5'2.

"Now listen darlin', if anything happens, you outta call Charlie immediately. I'll be on the soonest flight out to Boston, but you have to call me ahead of time, Texas is a bit far so I need the heads up." I just stifled a laugh of how overprotective and overbearing my dad can be at times but he means well so I just nod my head.

Charlie was swinging his raptor keys in his fingers, signing that he's ready to head out; only causing the waterworks to start up again as my dads crystal blue eyes flooded with more unshed tears.

We made the hugs quick and I got all my luggage and the rest of the stuff I hadn't already moved into my dorm to the backseat of the huge raptor. Char got this truck semi recently as a congratulatory gift for being assistant captain on the hockey team at his school. Our school now.

The truck was lifted and entirely matte black with red interior and a sound system so loud, you could hear from China. Charlie took advantage to that and blasted his country music so loud I couldn't even think.

Glancing over at my big brother, you could see exactly how we're related.

We both have golden, sandy blonde hair. Mine of course reaches my hips almost whereas his is chopped in a clean typical frat boy hair cut. We both have extremely clear ice blue eyes and two sets of deep prominent dimples when we flash our smiles. Mom made sure we had braces growing up because my dads parents had always pushed her to do so. All in all, we were the poster children for the all American babies.

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