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I get home after going via the graveyard which is ultimately after shopping with Piper and Amy. I go to the Graveyard because I go visit the grave of 'Fran Lia Mackie' who is actually my sister. While shopping I buy flowers to lay. Piper buys baby stuff under her mum's guidance as she's struggling to get stuff so piper is helping out. Amy was more there to get away from her mum but she brought some trainers for dance so it was a win win for her.

At the graveyard I get to Frans grave and kneel infront of it, clear it of dead flowers, rearrange the soil then put my new flowers on it in a heart shape. I then sit down and just speak out loud. I tell what seems to be thin air, but to me Fran, all about shopping with Piper and Amy. I tell about how when we had our Starbucks, piper started laughing and spat her double chocolate chip frappacino out her nose which was cute. I say how I had a Caramel Macchiato and Amy a Strawberries and cream frappacino.

I tell her about our other sister.

Fran is my younger sister. She was born when I was 3 and died when I was 9. I have missed her so bad and that's partly why I fell for piper. Piper reminded me of her. I also fell for piper coz she is cute. Nobody knows about Fran, not even Piper. I told the girls the flowers where for my mum to give to my dad.

I hear 3 voices and look up and see Piper and her brother along with his girlfriend. I freeze up and pipers eyes meet mine. I follow pipers eyes to the flowers in the heart shape and see the tears slowly collecting. She comes over to me and throws her arms round me in a hug. I see pipers brothers girlfriend block pipers brother allowing piper to hug me. After piper pulls away she looks at the gravestone and sees it saids

09.11. 06. - 04.12.12

I look away and piper puts her hand on mine.

'You had another sister?'
I nod
'Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Finn'
I nod again
Piper hugs me again then explains her older sisters are yet again arguing so her, her brother James and his girlfriend Riley have come for a walk and Riley asked if she could see her Grans grave as the day before was actually her grans birthday but she was working at business school so she couldn't come. James and Riley sit at the grave beside Frans and I realise that, that is Rileys grans. Piper explains Riley is actually Emilys sister so that's why Emily was kinda distracted the day before.
I nod again.

After a couple of hours James Riley and piper leave. As shes leaving piper hugs me once more and tells me she'll see me at rehearsal and not to worry coz my secrets safe with her. This causes me to smile. I tell piper I'll see her then. She leaves and I take a look at Rileys grans grave and realise it's kinda bare so as I have a couple of flowers left I go over and place them on it then snap a photo and send it to piper asking her to show Riley. After a couple of minutes I get a reply from Riley on pipers phone saying thank you. I smile more then go home.

I get home and greet my parents.

I then go to my room and have a shower in my ensuite bathroom and then watch TV in my room. I watch a show Piper recommended. It's a dance show called 'Dance Like Craze' and it's kinda like the studio. I end up binging through the first 4 seasons. Piper said I'll like the 6th season as there is a character called Felix who is very me. My favourites so far are Jamie and Pippa. Jamie is chilled all the time and Pippa reminds me of piper. After the finale of the 3th season my mum calls me for dinner so I go and eat. I tell my parents that I had to explain about Fran to piper James and Riley. My parents know all about my romantic attraction towards piper so they weren't that surprised that I told them about Fran especially as I told them James and Riley are pipers brother and his girlfriend who is basically pipers sister in law already. My parents think it's cute that I feel so strongly romantic towards piper and support me with it. I've told them how she is kinda like Fran and they said they hope she can be our family. I love the fact my parents want me and piper together.

After dinner I go back to my room and continue watching Dance Like Craze and manage to get through the short 5th season. I start the 6th in much awaited anticipation. Felix is introduced and piper is so right, he is so me. I watch half the 6th season then I do some homework then finish the season. I text piper and she tells me the 7th season is on the rewatch app so I start that. Piper herself is sitting with James and Riley watching it.

We text our opinions on the episodes and say how bonkers it is that it's happened to tns in real life. Piper tells me she really felt like Pippa in the 4th season because Pippa sees her brothers girlfriend Radley kiss a guy called Alex just like she saw Riley kiss a guy called Alfie. I laugh and tell her I ship Felix and Pippa. Piper said she doesn't.

Yes 'Dance Like Craze' is practically TNS. In my book 'adopted by 2 different people (trittany story' it is explained more but instead it is Canadianin this book.

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