Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I never thought that it would feel this way. I never thought that letting someone completely in would feel so good. It felt right.

Harry knew everything now. We barely slept last night, because once the words started pouring out of my mouth I couldn't stop. I told him about some of my other foster homes, not all of them horrible, and talked about how I ended up permanently with Darla. He sat and listened intently making me feel loved and wanted.

All of those fears I had held throughout the years very quickly dissipated, in its place a warmth I never knew existed. I felt happy and free, and a little angry that I had held back for so long. But then again, I don't think I was ready back then. Everything compounded on top of each other, building up courage any time I found someone I could trust. It started with Darla, then my foster siblings, Andrew, Marianna and Jackie, Mickie.

And Harry.

He was the straw the broke the camel's back.

The cherry on top.

Because of the love he gave me, the comfort and trust he readily gifted me, was how I was able to finally do what I did yesterday. I knew I would be repeating my story to other detectives, ones that were in town, and not hours away. I would need to relive it with a lawyer and a full courtroom.

But I wasn't freaking out about it. I wasn't necessarily looking forward to doing it, but I had people now. I had a support system. And I wanted that asshole in jail.

Harry was driving us home, both exhausted and heavy bags under our eyes. I looked over at him, his profile sharp and enticing. His hand squeezed my thigh, having found a home for the first hour of our drive.

"I think I'm going to tell my friends."

He glances over at me, my words being the first spoken since we left the city. Quiet music played through his Bluetooth, old rock that wasn't too high energy. Hippie music is what he called it.

He waited for me to continue, eyes back on the road, "I think they deserve to know, and it's going to get out anyways."

"Are you sure?" He asks.

I nod immediately, "I think I need to be more open."

"That's all up to you, Dani. You don't have to tell everyone right away. You just said it for the first time last night. You can give yourself a break if you want." He says softly, my hand coming to rest on his on my leg.

"I know, but I want to."

He gives me a surprising look, "Really?"

"Yeah, I just feel... light now. Like all this pressure is lifted off me, and I'm not living in fear anymore. I'm tired of keeping everything in all the time."

"Okay, when are you thinking?" Harry asks.

I bite my lip, "I was thinking when we get back? Jackie already text me to ask where I was, so everyone's home."

"You know I'll be right there, right? You can lean on me when it gets hard." He says, reading me easily.

Although I was ready to tell my friends, I was still a little nervous. I knew they wouldn't think any different of me, but it would affect them. Of course it would. When your friends are hurting, so are you.

"I love you, Harry. I can't thank you enough." I tell him earnestly.

He shakes his head, "Dani, there's no need to thank me. I'm always going to be there for you." He looks at me softly, "I'm so in love with you it's ridiculous."

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