Chapter 3: Uncle Josh & Auntie Leeyah

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Leeyah Fischer:

"Jayden I'm not about to hear that this year." I said to my sister in law, she was married to Dylan my husband's brother.

"I know, that's why I called! This year we'll only have Zanovia, Angel, and Marcus."

"Really?" I asked surprised, they had a lot of stuck up friends but I absolutely loved Zanovia, Angel, and Angel's husband Marcus. "I know Zanovia is bringing Leon."

"Girl if y'all would call us every once in a while you would know she left him 6 months ago."

"What?" I asked surprised.

"Girl yes he was stealing money from her and she didn't even know until her money manager spoke up about larger amounts of money missing than usual. Then they found a whole trail the dummy left behind. She is one of the biggest stars in this world and she still believes people aren't capable of using her."

"She can't help that she has a good heart, I'm gonna call her later on and check on her." I said. "We have some guest coming too, one of our good friends and his two kids."

"His?" She asked

"Yes he's a single father and he and Josh built a great friendship over the past month."

"Aww that just warmed my heart! I can't wait to meet him." She says excitedly, it's been a while since Josh and I made friends or even brought them around his family. He was always embarrassed when the friends we made would take from him or use him. So he decided he didn't want friends and he stayed to himself for 3 years, he owned multiple apartment complexes so he didn't need to get a job he made enough money to take care of us both. I just finished a 5 year law program so I was clerking for a state judge right now.

"He's actually a good guy, I can't wait for you guys to meet him either and his kids are so well behaved." I explained.

"Maybe...he's good enough for Zanovia?" She asked

"Uh he's still not over the woman that left him 3 years ago. Besides he's so focused on his kids I don't even think he wants any type of relationship especially with Zanovia, the whole world knows her and Andre is not ready for that."

"Come on Lee! She needs to get laid she's so uptight and mean! Pleaaaaase. Is he at least cute?"

"He's gorgeous but that d-"

"Yeeeeesssss Lee come on!" Jayden pleaded and I sighed.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Josh asked kissing my cheek as he sat on the bed next to me.

"Jayden irritating me about hooking Andre up with Zanovia." I replied

"Oh I ain't even think of that, that dude needa get laid he so damn uptight." Josh says

"See! Come on Lee if we hook them-"

"No Jayden I'm not hooking anything up, now if they just so happen to like each other when they see each other then that's one thing. The last time we hooked a friend up with Zanovia he ended up stealing millions from her. We have to let Z find her own man."

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