Chapter 5: Routine

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2 Months Later..

Joshua Fischer:

"Uncle Josh, Auntie Leeyah don't do this when she do my hair." Kai said

"I can see that princess what is this?" I asked holding up one of the colorful thingies from her hair bucket Leeyah had organized.

"It's a barrette!" She said like I had just upset her.

"Hunter I need help man!" I shouted from the bathroom. Leeyah had to go to work earlier today so it threw the whole routine off. I was running late getting them to school.

"Leeyah told me you might have some trouble, move boy." I looked over at Zanovia entering the bathroom.

"Thank you Nov!" Kai said.

"I didn't even hear you come in." I said getting up from the seat.

"Yeah I know, I already gave Hunter their lunch money for subway on his field trip today, as well as some extra pocket cash just in case. He needs a phone Josh. He's the oldest and you need to be able to reach him, he'll be 12 next month he's old enough." She explained as she sat in my seat grabbing the brush in the process.

"Leeyah said that I just thought it was a bad idea since he was so young. I didn't want him to get into any trouble with the phone."

"Leeyah may not like to challenge some of your decisions but I will. Easy fix, buy the phones me sure it's unlimited talk and text with no internet access, there's parental locks and different apps you can use to see what he's doing." She explained

"I didn't even think of that." I said. "I'll get him one today."

"Already did it's on the counter, I just wanted to make sure you would agree before I gave it to him. Set some ground rules and give him the phone Josh." She instructed, for the past 2 months we had struggled with Hunter and Kai. We didn't know what we were doing, now I understood why Andre was so exhausted he had 2 full time jobs, raising his kids and working at a mechanic shop trying to make ends meet.

Zanovia was a big help, she loved being around the kids more so because it distracted her from her real life problems. They gave her joy and she was in such a dark place, yet when she came around them she lit up. They loved her too, when I couldn't get them from school she got them. If Leeyah couldn't get them ready before she left she made sure Zanovia or Jayden could come over and help. They decided to stay in Seattle at the penthouse until Andre woke up so they could be able to help out with the kids.

"I can get a phone?" Kai asked

"No." Both Zanovia and I said at the same times.

"Hey hey hey!" I heard Angel yell, I laughed shaking my head. "Boy! No!" She was shouting once I entered the living room.

"Auntie Angel pleaaaase." Hunter begged and the moment he pouted her face softened.

"Only because you cute nephew." She said tossing him a bag of frooties. "Kaiiii!!" Angel yelled

"Oooo Auntie Angel!" She shouted excitedly from the bathroom. Angel loves giving these kids candy and she didn't care if it was early in the morning either.

"Leeyah said she had to go to work early I came to make sure you could hang." Angel joked as she laughed

"Akikiki.." I jumped at her in the process of her walking past me.

"Is you mad or is you angry?" She asked letting herself into Hunter and Kai's bedroom to go to their connected bathroom.

"Aight so Nov got you a phone man." I say picking up the AT&T bag that sat on the island as I entered the kitchen. "You have to be responsible and the first time you aren't imma take it. Okay?"

"What do you mean when you say responsible?" He asked as I opened the IPhone 7 box. "Uh Uh ion kno why she ain't get you a muh-fuckin flip. I said scrunching my face up, "Novia!" I yelled

"What boy?" She said entering the kitchen with Angel and Kai.

"This is too much." I say

"No it's not I'm not getting him no flip phone what if h get kidnapped and he sitting there in he trunk pressing 1 key 3 times just to get to the letter C! No there's no internet on it Josh it's literally talking and texting. I already got all of our numbers set up it's harmless and flip phone can't be tracked. Download the find my child app and I'll sign you in like I did everybody else so we know where they are at all times."

"She's right Josh, kidnapping kids seems to get more normal as time passes we don't want our kids in that situation." Angel agreed

"Plus you'll be responsible and keep the otter box on it, right Hunter?" Nov asked and he nodded he was excited.

"Okay but you make sure you answer all of our phone calls and text messages and I know your school got a cellphone policy but if I'm calling you, you answer and if they try to take your phone you tell them you Uncle Josh said to call him if they want the phone. Don't give them that phone." I said and he nodded.

"Yes sir Uncle Josh." Hunter says

"Alright, come here man up your charger in your book bag. Angel reach in that top drawer and grab this two portable chargers for me."

"Awww he's a worried parent." Angel cooed as she did what I asked. Hunter placed his book bag on the counter. I put his charger and the two portable chargers in he front part of his book bag, I seen his $100 bill Zanovia gave him for their field trip today. "Okay now when y'all go on this field trip what's the golden rule?"

"Stay together and hold hands." Both of them replied at the same time.

"Good babies I'll see y'all when Nov pick y'all up after school, we're gonna go see y'all dad okay?" Angel continued

"Can we wake him up today? He been sleep too long and I need to talk to him." Kai said crossing her arms over her chest.

Zanovia laughed shaking her head, "I know you got meetings and shit to make sure your new building is up to code so I'll take charge today." She says and I nodded.

"Leeyah is off at 7 she'll come get them when she gets off." I explained

"Boy we know bye we got this." Angel said


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